Small less important detail- Bedlam as a phrase comes from British slang for Bethlem Royal Hospital in London which was England’s first asylum to treat mental illness.
I just listened to George Conway about this. Judge PAN took Sauer to tiny pieces bc his two arguments were-- he has complete immunity-- and conversely, he doesn't have it. But his prediction is: Trump will spend the rest of his life in jail. In the Hoosegow.
"But we guess by the same logic, Joe Biden could do SEAL Team Six to Trump and get off scot-free as long as the Senate doesn’t convict, correct?"
I mean, if we're to start from the premise of unqualified immunity, I suppose you *could* use SEAL Team Six, but it might be easier if Dark Brandon just told Trump he left a candy bar in the resolute desk, or propped up a box with a stick like in the old Bugs Bunny cartoons, or, for a neat little sense of irony, lured him to Fifth Avenue, and then just did the job himself.
Is it really likely the PAB can delay proceedings and not get any verdicts before the election? Otherwise I don't believe he'd get anywhere but today I heard this possibility. So bummed.
"But we guess by the same logic, Joe Biden could do SEAL Team Six to Trump and get off scot-free as long as the Senate doesn’t convict, correct? Trump is always saying he was TOTALLY EXONERATED in his impeachments because the rectum-sucking Republicans in the Senate didn’t convict him. Biden will be innocent then too?"
But Trumps opinion is that he is the current President, so it more means he can remove Biden by whatever means necessary.
As a young, nervous law student presenting a mock legal argument I repeatedly warned that an unfavorable ruling would open a “pandora’s box.” It’s a tired phrase and way of arguing that the court’s decision will have grave implications for future presidents, who may likewise be held accountable for breaking the law. My professor went easy on me, but I never forgot his gentle criticism to stop saying “pandora’s box” so much. A little embarrassment can sometimes leave a lasting impression.
Years ago we used to watch Washington Week in Review and one week Thomas Friedman appeared for a session by himself talking about a deal to fix Israel and the PLO I think. He said 50 times somebody wanted to be a midwife. He was so different and so energetic I thought it must mean someone really did want to be a midwife-- some kibbutz matter, maybe. Sounds incredible I know but that's what I was thinking.
America has a constitution for a reason - protecting its people from wannabe tyrants like Trump may be one of the most vital. Trump arguing presidents should be immune from any legal consequences for breaking the law, especially laws related to his oath and duty to defend the outcomes of fair elections and peaceful transfer of power is rich. It’s easy to imagine judges waiting decades for an opportunity to tell Donald Trump, “Sir, you are legally responsible for your actions, as are we all.”
Remember when he said he liked Putin because Putin liked him and thought he was smart? I died inside! I suppose a million Americans died inside-- hearing those viewpoints.
He's imagining that Fundie Gawd has bestowed upon him the Divine RIght of Kings. That worked out so well for Charles I. Or maybe he's imagining that he's Cyrus, King of Kings, who was defeated by Tomyris, the barbarian queen. She cut off Cyrus' head and put it in a bag filled with blood, just to sate his bloodthirstiness.
If the courts grant it to him, just imagine what that POS might do if he ever sniffed the White House again. He was horrible enough with the deep state and half his staff constantly trying to reign in his worst impulses. MAGA 2.0 would render America an even more dangerous place.
Per Judge Henderson: "I think it is paradoxical to say that his constitutional duty to take care of the laws be faithfully executed allows him to violate criminal law."
This is precisely the sort of issue that continues to bedevil the foundations of math: Working within a system that is self-referential. As Bertrand Russell famously objected to Frege's lifetime work by investigating the "set of all sets". This completely up-ended Hilbert's hope of putting math on a sound foundation. Godel famously made matters worse in 1930, much to the chagrin of Hilbert. von Neumann hoped that he had patched things up by introducing the new concept of "class". (Warning: it has a highly technical definition.) But in her 1948 dissertation, Lisl Gaal proved that the standard set theory of Zermelo was equiconsistent with von Neumann's set theory: if one has a contradiction then so does the other. Let's all join with Lisl Gaal in celebrating her 100th birthday next week:
From the point of view of anyone who takes logic seriously, this continuing problem illustrates the folly of considering any document (constitution) or book (bible) to be infallible -- especially one that was composed by a committee or assembled over centuries by numerous authors. There will be inconsistencies. For example, I can use the bible to prove that Jesus was gay.
Small less important detail- Bedlam as a phrase comes from British slang for Bethlem Royal Hospital in London which was England’s first asylum to treat mental illness.
I just listened to George Conway about this. Judge PAN took Sauer to tiny pieces bc his two arguments were-- he has complete immunity-- and conversely, he doesn't have it. But his prediction is: Trump will spend the rest of his life in jail. In the Hoosegow.
"But we guess by the same logic, Joe Biden could do SEAL Team Six to Trump and get off scot-free as long as the Senate doesn’t convict, correct?"
I mean, if we're to start from the premise of unqualified immunity, I suppose you *could* use SEAL Team Six, but it might be easier if Dark Brandon just told Trump he left a candy bar in the resolute desk, or propped up a box with a stick like in the old Bugs Bunny cartoons, or, for a neat little sense of irony, lured him to Fifth Avenue, and then just did the job himself.
These people are fucked in the head.
Giving anyone with the powers of POTUS unqualified immunity would be insane.
I mean have they ever even watched 24?
"Have these lawyers no sense of shame or dignity?"
Is this a stupid question?
These are the finest lawyers Trump could refuse to pay. I have faith that it is a stupid question.
Can someone clarify why Biden should pardon Trump before he kills him? That seems like over-egging the pudding.
I think in this scenario it's just a ploy to lure him in for the assassination. Biden's saving Seal Team Six the trouble.
Is it really likely the PAB can delay proceedings and not get any verdicts before the election? Otherwise I don't believe he'd get anywhere but today I heard this possibility. So bummed.
Time to sue Fox “News” for lying, again?
We could also sue General Motors for selling trucks?
"But we guess by the same logic, Joe Biden could do SEAL Team Six to Trump and get off scot-free as long as the Senate doesn’t convict, correct? Trump is always saying he was TOTALLY EXONERATED in his impeachments because the rectum-sucking Republicans in the Senate didn’t convict him. Biden will be innocent then too?"
But Trumps opinion is that he is the current President, so it more means he can remove Biden by whatever means necessary.
We are living through the "Manchild-ean Candidate."
The Mandarin Orange Candidate
As a young, nervous law student presenting a mock legal argument I repeatedly warned that an unfavorable ruling would open a “pandora’s box.” It’s a tired phrase and way of arguing that the court’s decision will have grave implications for future presidents, who may likewise be held accountable for breaking the law. My professor went easy on me, but I never forgot his gentle criticism to stop saying “pandora’s box” so much. A little embarrassment can sometimes leave a lasting impression.
Well, the original Pandora's Box also contained hope. This one I'm not so sure.
My son also has had deep impressions from law professors-- he'll carry those with him too
probably. I'm sorry he ever went into that business.
Years ago we used to watch Washington Week in Review and one week Thomas Friedman appeared for a session by himself talking about a deal to fix Israel and the PLO I think. He said 50 times somebody wanted to be a midwife. He was so different and so energetic I thought it must mean someone really did want to be a midwife-- some kibbutz matter, maybe. Sounds incredible I know but that's what I was thinking.
You might also have used "cross the Rubicon" or "thin end of the wedge" or "open that trap door" or "unleash the beast"... :P
Nope. Domino effect!
Slippery slope?
That slam-dunk hit it out of the park!
Am humbled.
I hope that guy who started this doesn't think we're seriously correcting him.
Doubt it. Just adding to the possibilities!
America has a constitution for a reason - protecting its people from wannabe tyrants like Trump may be one of the most vital. Trump arguing presidents should be immune from any legal consequences for breaking the law, especially laws related to his oath and duty to defend the outcomes of fair elections and peaceful transfer of power is rich. It’s easy to imagine judges waiting decades for an opportunity to tell Donald Trump, “Sir, you are legally responsible for your actions, as are we all.”
Remember when he said he liked Putin because Putin liked him and thought he was smart? I died inside! I suppose a million Americans died inside-- hearing those viewpoints.
If ᵗᶠᵍ actually thought he had complete immunity he would have emptied Fort Knox.
He's imagining that Fundie Gawd has bestowed upon him the Divine RIght of Kings. That worked out so well for Charles I. Or maybe he's imagining that he's Cyrus, King of Kings, who was defeated by Tomyris, the barbarian queen. She cut off Cyrus' head and put it in a bag filled with blood, just to sate his bloodthirstiness.
Can we get to the lone and level sands in every direction already?
If the courts grant it to him, just imagine what that POS might do if he ever sniffed the White House again. He was horrible enough with the deep state and half his staff constantly trying to reign in his worst impulses. MAGA 2.0 would render America an even more dangerous place.
linear rectal extractions duly noted . . . and properly commented on . . . thank you Evan.
Sauer looks like a conservative evangelical pastor whose just been arrested and booked for molesting farm animals.
not mine!
if Trump's “Absolute Presidential Immunity” argument prevails, then President Biden can order Seal Team Six to assassinate him
Surprise twist: He'll get Mossad to do it!
I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, and you can't prove nothing!
but, if he uses Trump's lawyer, IT DOESN'T MATTER if anything gets proven
also, Mossad is currently occupied.
Per Judge Henderson: "I think it is paradoxical to say that his constitutional duty to take care of the laws be faithfully executed allows him to violate criminal law."
This is precisely the sort of issue that continues to bedevil the foundations of math: Working within a system that is self-referential. As Bertrand Russell famously objected to Frege's lifetime work by investigating the "set of all sets". This completely up-ended Hilbert's hope of putting math on a sound foundation. Godel famously made matters worse in 1930, much to the chagrin of Hilbert. von Neumann hoped that he had patched things up by introducing the new concept of "class". (Warning: it has a highly technical definition.) But in her 1948 dissertation, Lisl Gaal proved that the standard set theory of Zermelo was equiconsistent with von Neumann's set theory: if one has a contradiction then so does the other. Let's all join with Lisl Gaal in celebrating her 100th birthday next week:
From the point of view of anyone who takes logic seriously, this continuing problem illustrates the folly of considering any document (constitution) or book (bible) to be infallible -- especially one that was composed by a committee or assembled over centuries by numerous authors. There will be inconsistencies. For example, I can use the bible to prove that Jesus was gay.
For a fun presentation of Godel's work, read George Boolos' explanation of Godel's Second Incompleteness Theorem:
I'd gladly agree with you if I could.