Ta, Stephen. Faux Noise is a drag, but not the fun, creative kind.

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It seems to be less related to search engines and was a backend issue:https://nationalzero.com/20...These things happen, glad they're still about.

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Clearly Sketchers are the way to go! That's what I wear around the house, anyway.

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Way back when, my mom and I used to enjoy watching "Toddlers & Tiaras." We were fascinated by the borderline child abuse. Now I look back and realize that all those child beauty pageants were actual abuse of the children, and I regret being entertained and not sickened.

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I mean, look at those blue checks! Clearly they are very important people and definitely not people who gave a billionaire some money!

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She’s not a smart person.None of them are smart people.

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I am just shocked that any drag queen would be caught wearing Crocs.

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I guess these crocs would work for a runway (actually, no. Imagine, though, spending $600 for these Balenciaga crocs!)


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Hunter Biden and His Amazing Technicolor Laptop

*Belly laugh* Thanks I needed that.

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I’m a little surprised that Fox didn’t just zero in on blaming Dems for Republican dysfunction. I know they want to drop Trump but retain Trumpism.

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Is this Day Three of the GOP Shit Show AKA Alotta Fast Nuthin'?

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Those are absolutely hideous 😂😂😂

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For me, it's all about the context. I don't believe drag queens intend to make fun of women. I also don't think they are "punching down". I suspect men forfeit their privilege when they embrace drag and aren't shy about loving it. I feel kinship with them.

Men in drag for comedy purposes, like Powderpuff cheerleaders, I do find offensive, because they're all "look at me I'm a goofy girl, har, har." It is extra cringy when people make fun of other people who are not as privileged as they are.

(PS I have dressed as a drag queen many times. But that's another story.)

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Mrs. Betty Bowers is one great example:https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

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Go Dominion, Go.

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Oh I just started daydreaming about that and, yeah.

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