I turned 18 in 1972, the first year 18, 19, and 20 year olds could vote. I voted against Nixon. It didn't matter who was on the other side of the ballot. McGovern, Attila the Hun? Definitely better choices.

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"And speaking of which, if you would like this free Nova tote bag, all you have to pledge is..."

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Kasich defied the lege and did some Executive magic shit to get the medicaid expansion through. It is the only thing from his entire administration that I approve of.

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But don't SNAP into a Slim Jim or Conservatives will start thinking you are one of those decedent Welfare Queens living like a Rockefeller.

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In the spirit of bipartisanship, let's "compromise" and start telling people to eat carbonated fruits.

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Well, it worked so well in this educational filmstrip:


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Now Bob Johnson owns 'em all.

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What about all these demon sheep running around? What're ya gonna do about them, Brenie, or Linda in Toledo?! Demon sheep are hot enough to melt steel beams! When are you gonna Dubya up all this ObummerCare?!?Argleblargle! Harumph! Harump! Harumph!

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I've been trying to find a source for this. Link?

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Q: "But, my question is how big would government be?"

A: Not nearly big enough to park my VW Bus in your uterus.

[Also why I will never be elected to anything, ever. I have zero patience for willful pig ignorance.]

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Yes! This is the thing I screech and scream wildly at people who accuse me of being "too left" or people who get butt hurt when I accidentally punch them twice in the nose after they make some bullshit comment about how dems need to "reach across the aisle".

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As big as your mother's fat ass Judy, as big as your mother's glorious fat ass.

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If you work a couple of outlandish conspiracy theories into your earlier "probable" response, you could also add Alex Jones and Glenn Beck onto that list.

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Yes, that, too, also.

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"First, the size isn't what is important- does it do the job it needs to do efficiently and effectively with a minimum of waste?"

oh cmon now JAWs...this just reeks of penis humor!

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Of course. But that would make too much sense. The military needs this shit covered up as much as possible, so the heroic image is not desecrated. So little to nothing is done. In fact, wasn't the guy they charged to deal with the problem a predator himself?

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