That part actually makes me a little uncomfortable, and I'm all for 'bortin'; a certain Richard Dawkins bit about unborn ghosts comes to mind. But what are you gonna do? Cry about it?

Take note, pro-birth chums.

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A man with a serious gravy-ass.

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Planned Parenthood is so awful that they totally made my teenage son and his girlfriend feel safe, comfortable and welcome to come in and get contraceptive advice, STD testing, and answer all sorts of questions without ever making them feel like losers. How dare they! I mean, I know I'm the one who sent my son there when he asked about needing that kind of stuff (I can provide condoms and Plan B, but I lack a home lab to test for STD's), but how dare they not slut shame the kids!!!! I mean, what is this world coming to if our young men and women can get appropriate medical care in a safe, caring environment.

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Did Rivera ever kick some guy's ass like he promised?

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I'd have tossed the sister-in-law into the yard. If I was in a good mood, I'd have provided a list of local hotels as well.

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Two of my kids have a rare genetic condition. It's not a fatal condition, but does substantially affect quality of life. If the unthinkable happens, and one of them dies before 18, I plan on donating their body to one of the researchers active in researching this particular condition. As these kids are now teenagers, I've begun the difficult process of talking to them about their own mortality, and what kind of decision they'd make after they turn 18 and I no longer get a say. It's a morbid discussion, but one that's necessary.

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Yeah, I violated the First Law and clicked on the video, and it is a rather brilliant bit of satire.

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The actress might laugh, but the character would kill me.

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Um..yeah before I get into the heart of this idiocy, This comment really need to be dealt with.

It’s like saying I’m pro-Second Amendment, which also means I have the right to shoot my gun wherever I want.

What? Isn't this precisely the interpretation of the gun humpers "right to bear arms" stance boiled down to it's purest essence?

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He told his wife he was going to be on Geraldo to talk about terrible, terrible things, but don't worry your pretty little head, and what should he wear so that people will want to listen?

Every tiny act of defiance and rebellion counts.

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HEY! I HAD THE SAME THOUGHT! Fine! I guess I need to wear the tinfoil hat at Wonkette, too.

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A pedant notes: Stalin was a big forced-birther, he reversed the early Soviet government's laws legalising abortion, contraception and gay buttsechs.

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I met exactly one person in my life who believed this nutso superstition: my first grade teacher. Of course, she was an old-school kid-slappin' nun who was born in 1898, so her practical experience with actual babies, cats, etc. was limited.

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If Gutfeld is a healthy male, his body creates about 300,000,000 sperm per day -- a godly gift of 300,000,000 million potential humans, which he squanders. Assume sixty years of fertility, and he should be expected to sire 6,750,000,000,000 little angels. All those little souls gone, thanks to Gutfelld's selfishness! Appallingly, half of those sperm will be male as well, so his genocide grows geometrically when you consider the lives of potential grandchildren, which would be around 2.15 x 10^24. Entire galaxies could be populated by the decendants he has so callously chosen to not produce. "Monster" is too small of a word for what he is.

Life begins at arousal, people!

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He's definitely for frying chickens alive, but I'n not sure if he has 'em sunnyside up or over easy.

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Don't forget the little regrets cards accompanying every pack of tampons and sanitary towels.

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