Never mind that Native American tribes and environmentalists have been working for literally decades to protect the sensitive high desert surrounding the Grand Canyon. In Foxworld, history is just as much a fiction as logic or evidence.
No, y'see, the fact that they've been on about this for decades without results just *proves* Brandon did it just to divert attention from Comer's latest bombshell! If they'd *really* wanted to make it a National Monument, they'd've done it years ago! QED*, DemonRATS!
(* - I don't know what that means, but I know you libs like to use it at the end of your arguments, so there.)
Uranium fission is 1950s technology. If nuclear power has any future, it’s in liquid thorium. The reactors are safer and cheaper and the waste products have much shorter half-lives.
I'm thinking we've reached the point where, as sensational as this shit is, it isn't getting any traction outside the bubble. The only people who look at Joe Biden and see this entire family of grifters were never going to vote for any Democrat, ever.
I'm thinking we've reached the point where, as sensational as this shit is, it isn't getting any traction outside the bubble. The only people who look at Joe Biden and see this entire family of grifters were never going to vote for any Democrat, ever.
They never stop recycling their phoney scandals and they never will. A few years ago it was Hillary Clinton and Uranium One. As I remember, several different officials had to sign off on that deal, and Hillary Clinton couldn't have stopped it going through if she'd wanted to. Also, and contrary to right wing claims, it didn't give ... I think the assertion was 20 per cent ... of the U.S.A.'s uranium to Russia. It granted the Uranium One Company - again, as I remember - rights to refine and concentrate American uranium, but not to export even one gram of it, to Russia or anywhere else.
But why am I even ... if it's a right wing claim of any kind, anywhere, the smart money bet is that it's garbage.
When Teddy Roosevelt declared the Grand Canyon National Monument in the first place, the purpose was to help the Czar corner the Uranium market. He was playing a long game
"thereby guarantee that Russia and Kazakhstan can completely control world uranium markets!"
Wow, that Joe Biden is definitely playing three dimensional chess!! He's enriching Russia while at the same time bankrupting our great nation by supporting Ukraine! Brilliant!
Pointing out that Canada supplies a bunch of uranium to the US probably wouldn't make the Fox News crowd happy either given the bad fanfiction version of Canada they have in their heads.
Just watched Merrick Garland honor David Weiss' request and gave him special counsel status as he continues his ongoing investigation of Hunter Biden that began in 2019.
This is a mistake. We always mollycoddle their BS...tell them to pound sand! Just like BC and Loretta Lynch airport meeting...if they were going to collude about something there are TELEPHONES and passed notes...they don't need to sidle up their planes. Was always stupid and we shouldn't play this game again IMO.
The press is covering it like Hunter Biden was president or something. Private citizen. And how does the DOJ justify investigating the kids of a president (in the old days the press would have been appalled by that, but no more!) without having ever investigated Ivanka and Jared? $2 billion from Saudi seems kind of important.
Seig Heil Barbie needs to shut her joke mouth.
Never mind that Native American tribes and environmentalists have been working for literally decades to protect the sensitive high desert surrounding the Grand Canyon. In Foxworld, history is just as much a fiction as logic or evidence.
No, y'see, the fact that they've been on about this for decades without results just *proves* Brandon did it just to divert attention from Comer's latest bombshell! If they'd *really* wanted to make it a National Monument, they'd've done it years ago! QED*, DemonRATS!
(* - I don't know what that means, but I know you libs like to use it at the end of your arguments, so there.)
Uranium fission is 1950s technology. If nuclear power has any future, it’s in liquid thorium. The reactors are safer and cheaper and the waste products have much shorter half-lives.
I'm thinking we've reached the point where, as sensational as this shit is, it isn't getting any traction outside the bubble. The only people who look at Joe Biden and see this entire family of grifters were never going to vote for any Democrat, ever.
Unless that Democrat was RFK, Jr.
I'm thinking we've reached the point where, as sensational as this shit is, it isn't getting any traction outside the bubble. The only people who look at Joe Biden and see this entire family of grifters were never going to vote for any Democrat, ever.
Unless that Democrat was RFK, Jr.
They never stop recycling their phoney scandals and they never will. A few years ago it was Hillary Clinton and Uranium One. As I remember, several different officials had to sign off on that deal, and Hillary Clinton couldn't have stopped it going through if she'd wanted to. Also, and contrary to right wing claims, it didn't give ... I think the assertion was 20 per cent ... of the U.S.A.'s uranium to Russia. It granted the Uranium One Company - again, as I remember - rights to refine and concentrate American uranium, but not to export even one gram of it, to Russia or anywhere else.
But why am I even ... if it's a right wing claim of any kind, anywhere, the smart money bet is that it's garbage.
When Teddy Roosevelt declared the Grand Canyon National Monument in the first place, the purpose was to help the Czar corner the Uranium market. He was playing a long game
It was all so _obvious_, because -- because Roosevelt Crime Family!!1!1
Do you mean Republican Nobel Prize winner Teddy Roosevelt, unlike sad Nobel Prize loser Donald Trump?
There's "news," there's "opinion," and then there are lies.
There really are easier ways to make sure none of your heirs get any of your money, Rupes.
It’s kind of amazing that you can control the US government with a Porsche Panamera. But those are kind of expensive! Would a Boxster work?
Boxter? Probably not. Other than Panamera, try a VW Euro Van. Heavy on the EURO.
I hear VW's building an electric microbus. That'd get you some favorable legislation.
I'll believe it when I see it, but whenever it arrives I bet it'll be a beautiful design
They're pretty! With 2025 expected release we should be seeing them in about 13 months. Fingers crossed. Hope there's a solar panel on the roof.
"thereby guarantee that Russia and Kazakhstan can completely control world uranium markets!"
Wow, that Joe Biden is definitely playing three dimensional chess!! He's enriching Russia while at the same time bankrupting our great nation by supporting Ukraine! Brilliant!
It's not like the Grand Canyon is something patriotic Americans love and want to preserve, after all. Drill baby drill.
Dok gets extra Wonkpoints for "Ukrainium" and "Mad Libs to make the libs mad."
Kudos Dok. You can pick up your voucher for those cakes we like from Nicola.
Would that be yellow cake?
Pointing out that Canada supplies a bunch of uranium to the US probably wouldn't make the Fox News crowd happy either given the bad fanfiction version of Canada they have in their heads.
The main idea many USians have about our fellow Americans to the North is that they is us w/o the nukes.
Ooh, does it involve noncon post-canon hurt/comfort extraction?
Just watched Merrick Garland honor David Weiss' request and gave him special counsel status as he continues his ongoing investigation of Hunter Biden that began in 2019.
This is a mistake. We always mollycoddle their BS...tell them to pound sand! Just like BC and Loretta Lynch airport meeting...if they were going to collude about something there are TELEPHONES and passed notes...they don't need to sidle up their planes. Was always stupid and we shouldn't play this game again IMO.
The press is covering it like Hunter Biden was president or something. Private citizen. And how does the DOJ justify investigating the kids of a president (in the old days the press would have been appalled by that, but no more!) without having ever investigated Ivanka and Jared? $2 billion from Saudi seems kind of important.
Inevitable. It's CYA for the DOJ and for Biden's campaign.
"Occam’s Duct Tape" Oooo, nice. Thanks! Gotta remember that one.
That perked me up too! Now I have a synonym for "high-school staff meeting."