You get ALL the fucking snaps for "mendacious fuckbags."

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Lucky for her comments aren't allowed anyway.(did I do that right? Someone Scooby Snack me if so!)

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On what planet was this again? Community response has *always* been a vital part of journalism, even back in the dirty linotype press and wirephoto/facsimile days.

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You're not from around here are you?

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I recall the early 1960s clearly and even then, it was startling how socially acceptable the KKK had been.

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But in the mid-19th century, when the civil war was in full flower (and decades before) there was enough disagreement about slavery to go to war over it but absolutely no disagreement whatsoever about race. The notion that nonwhites were born inferior to whites, and possibly weren't quite the same species, was so socially acceptable it was taken for granted; and this is clear in primary sources: newspapers, magazines, diaries, letters, even schoolbooks. The current health of the virus of racism is in part due to the now-centuries long Grand Delusion of racism being a regional problem and not a systemic one.

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Still. Yelling. Despite. Face. Frozen.

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Wonkette Baby gets cuter all the time. Showing some serious kick-ass attitude in the new pic!

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So let me get this straight? Juries only do what the prosecutors tell them to do, and she told them to leave PP alone so the system failed?But if a black guy gets shot by a cop and the jury doesn't indict the cop then it's because "they followed the evidence independently" and Yay, the system worked?

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To that point, Trump, in a rare policy rant, was advocating price negotiation for prescription drugs last night noting how much it would save Medicare and Medicaid. The horror... the horror.....

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As lawyers they should know you can't lead a witness, but this is alternate reality so it's all good.

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Yes yer correct but she's so purdy.

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Self-fulfilling prophecy for dead guy.

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"Blood-stained swizzle dick Daleiden is bitch squealing..."

I think I understand now why my professors in journalism school were so big on learning to avoid editorializing. While this is a delightfully written turn of phrase and my reporter hat is off to this writer, I really don't give any f***ks at all what the writer's opinion is and I think it just weakens the writing to put this little juvenile, name-calling hissyfit in there. That Fox is shitting its pants over the indictments going the other way is pure schadenfreude and speaks for itself. Why bother with the name calling? It's like a high-school kid wrote this. I wish this had been written as a straight hard-news story, but I've come to realize that journalism is dead, there are no standards for writing on the internet, and any asshole with a keyboard can call themselves a reporter. I want my money for J-school back.

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A BUNCH of white criminals were arrested. It took about a month. Unlike law abiding black and brown people, law enforcement can't figure out how to arrest law breaking officer threatening pale-skinned folks quickly.

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True. I think there's a good chance the deceased was mentally ill. He abandoned his foster children and then complained about the State removing them from the home. His concern wasn't so much the childten's welfare as much as the checks that had stopped coming in.

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