<i>a story about how people really really wish Mitt Romney were president.</i>

can you IMAGINE?!?! we'd be in 6 new wars, SCOTUS would be a college of cardinals, bain consulting would be the new federal reserve and ann romney would be in the white house.


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don't get fooled again ...

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Robert Reich pointed out the vast majority of those jobs recently created are part time.

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Well, Congress could have passed a jobs bill and spent monies on re-building crumbling bridges and VA hospitals. Instead they chose to pout and stomp their feet because people liked the blah man more than them. AND those fabled job creators, could, you know, actually create some fucking jobs instead of maximizing personal profit at everyone else's expense.

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closely held, who attend church every Sunday and who pay <strike>alms to the poor</strike> lawyer fees so that they can receive court sanction to be dicks to their employees.

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"Hurricane bares down" ... Fucking Faux can't even hire literate worker bees. Probably because people who can speak and write well are liberals, and refuse to work for them.

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...BREAKING NEWS: SCOTUS has ruled that job growth unnecessarily infringes upon right wing dingbats delusional view of the economy.

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...CORRECTION: Faux News would claim Santa is obviously a socialist who was redistributing wealth!

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<i>unless of course you’re Fox News, in which case you really need to make it look terrible.</i>

Unemployment is down....


And in other news...


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Meanwhile, CNN continues breathless coverage of how much they care by having their reporters stand in the path of a hurricane.

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Remember how back in early 2009 any 200 point drop in the volatile DOW proved that Bamz was personally destroying the economy? Good times!

Now that it's climbed from roughly 6500 to over 17,000 it obviously doesn't even count as a measure of economic health and is not worthy of mention.

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Not to sound too 1%, but I want to be unemployed -- retired, that is. I just need some Obamacare 'til I can get Medicare. But the Repubicans <i>still</i> say they're going to get rid of every word. I don't believe them anymore. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me 53 times, you're a fool.

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If Romney was president, the "real" unemployment rate would be different because they would go back to not counting it like they did until noon on Jan. 20th, 2009.

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Anybody have Jill Biden's number?

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