I laughed every time our daughter's soccer coach assigned a player to that position.

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It's not Rick's fault! He suffers from Dickslexia, a kind of confusion about which side of a penis he's supposed to be on. It's either pushing, or pulling. One of the two, definitely.

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This is probably not going to end well.

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What is it "re" tarded? I've never heard anyone called "tarded."

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Might as well go all the way with his name while they are at it.

"Butty Reamer (D)"

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BEER AND WATER ARE NOT THE SAME! Except for that Coors horsepiss.

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<i>Wonder what sexual orientation FOX is gonna make him out to be? </i>

Phucked, I'm guessing.

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Mr Moose/Bun Rabbit 2012!

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Anyone remember how the Texas delegation acted during the 2000 Republican Convention? Just seeing a gay person is an afront to some conservatives.

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4 teh moneez

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The headline "Fox News Refuses to Let Gay Candidate Join Iowa Presidential Debate" is missing, between "Let" and "Gay" the word "Openly." Or, I guess, "Out" if you prefer.

It does need a qualifier. Remember - we're talking about the GNoP here.

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why would this man be a republican?

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Kirsten: You wrote "...apparently Republicans do turn out to be secretly pro-abortion when there’s a gay running around on the loose."

For years I've been taking the other side. Since the reactionaries hate abortion so much, why don't they support gay marriage? Those couples - male or female - just about NEVER get abortions.

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Narnia is a big place.

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I am pretty sure there is so much gay in Marcus that every time he farts someone in the room turns.

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