Chapter One

As the helicopter dropped in, I gave one last thumbs up to my team. Sergeant Romney, Lieutenant Akin, Corporal Bachmann and Private Ryan. We checked the survey marks on our maps. We were in the right place.

Corporal Bachmann seemed nervous. He hadn't wanted to go on the mission. All day he had tried to gay away the play by dancing, combing his hair, talking about his "wife" a little too much, singing Village People songs. He told me he hoped we'd have to hunker down in a foxhole.

Sergeant Romney stood by the left door, ready to rappel in. Suddenly he switched to the right door. Then back to the left. His fire team followed him back and forth. A few collapsed from exhaustion.

Private Ryan was calm almost as if he knew the rest of the squad would die so he could live.

Then at the last moment, Akin pointed to another flight of helicopters. "Obama sent the SEALs. We don't have to go." I breathed a sigh of relief.

Sergeant Romney was facing the wrong direction and didn't see the other helicopters. He rappelled out into the Pakistani darkness. We never saw him again. But I heard he survived and converted to Islam.

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I hesitate to accept at face value what FOX News says.

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Page 1, Chapter 1:

<blockquote>I burst past the guards in the hall and into the Oval Office. "Listen, Obama, you terrorist-loving Kenyan usurper—I'm going after Bin Laden whether you like it or not!"

The "president" sputtered. I grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and looked him in his shifty eyes: "You can't stop me! I don't care if it's politically incorrect. I'm doing it!"

Obama cowered and retreated to his desk."All right, Bisonette. I'll let you do it, but you watch..I'll make political hay out of your courage, and no one will ever know who you were."

I knew what he said was true, but I loved America more than I hated him.</blockquote>

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