You do understand that parts of Shakespeare are now in common vocabulary and can be quoted on their own to mean what they are at face value without the quoter being a metaphor for the whole play?

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No. Just no. Nothing the Obama administration did has any impact at all on what is happening now. That is, quite literally, the meaning of the word "unprecedented."

As for judging how Obama handled things, just... no. You have no idea what you are talking about. None of those pundits you are citing have any idea what they are talking about. Sure, maybe in some alternate universe where a treasonous Republican party has not been plotting to destroy democracy, they might have a point. Maybe in some world with sane actors and responsible politicians there could have been a better way to handle some things.

But that is not the world we are in. Your entire fucking government is collapsing around your head, and you think Obama should have dotted an I or crossed a T here or there? Has it ever occurred to you that the reason Obama couldn't do a better job on your pet issues is because he was holding up the entire edifice of democracy single-handedly?

Let me put this clearly: In light of what we now know about Republican intransigence, have you gone back and re-calibrated your expectations of what Obama could have or should have done? Because if the answer is "No," then you are arguing about a fantasy world. If you are still judging Obama by the standards of a functioning democracy, then you are engaging in an act of fiction.

I trust you have seen that meme of the dog in the coffee shop, sitting among the flames, and saying, "This is fine." I guess you didn't understand that you are the dog in this analogy.

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Not necessarily 'whining' about anything. Those who care about open government – on the left and right — pretty much agree the Obama administration did not handle it well, and the court decisions then have made crackdowns easier now . . .

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The situation is quite literally unprecedented and you're whining about precedents?

Anybody who can look back at Obama and see anything other than utopia is blind. Maybe, just maybe, the mess we are in now did not magically manifest out of whole cloth two years ago. Maybe the reason Obama didn't meet your lofty goals is because they were not reachable.

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and Fox News: "it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."That's Hannity and "Judge" Jeanine in a nutshell (and i use that word advisedly)

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roughly lobotomized monkeys

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Were such things here as we do speak about?Or have we eaten on the insane rootThat takes the reason prisoner?

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it would only take half a dozen monkeys to produce the entire corpus of Trump tweets.

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'Sold for, basically, a buck ... if you discount the real estate'? Oh FFS! Isn't Donnie T a legend in his own mind for his fantastic real estate deals? Two tongues, this guy has two tongues.

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Haven't gotten into "The Serpent of Venice"; tried but got stuck on about chapter 1.5, but then I was still digesting "Fool" and was a tad in turmoil over the opening offstage deaths. If I remember correctly, that is. Thanks for the rec, I had lost that author's name.(ps - mind you, ghosts can be pretti sexy.)

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Anyone remember how the Trumpian snowflakes got so UPSET about a screening of the Shakespear play where Cesar got murdered by Brutus because Cesar looked like Trump? (they did not even blink when, previously, the same play was staged, with a black man in the role of Cesar)

'They are trying to ASSASSINATE Trump!" They howled, without bothering to know what the play was ACTUALLY about (it was about the futility of turning against authority and betraying Tru...I mean Cesar! Something they might have gotten behind if they knew, but hey, anything for a good outrage!)

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ruble rubble

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By your little green candle

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