That's a thing?!?!? I've only just gotten used to 4chan.

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Yep. The higher the number the lower the human decency in the forums.

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Sooo... Fox News built a business by lying, blatantly. Fox News hired a bunch of liars to spread their lies. Now some of those liars are coming forward claiming they were sexually harassed by Fox News executives. Fox News, known for its dishonesty, is claiming the liars it hired to lie are lying about their claims, while the liars are claiming that Fox News, known for its dishonesty, is being dishonest.

Do I have that correct?

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That made perfect sense.

Bong toke?

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Untrue! Kindergarteners will shut the fuck up and behave on occasion.

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The only question they ask when they hire their lawyers is "it was really about ethics in gaming journalism, wasn't it?"

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Dorothy Parker:

Men seldom make passesAt girls who wear glasses.

Fox News:

Fox men all make passesAt girls who have pulses.

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That is true. But what pushes me strongly into her corner is that, repulsive, nasty and fraudulent as La Tantaros is, was and always will be, she stands a good chance of separating Ailes, Doocey, Billo, Scott Brown, John Roberts and, above all, the entire corrupt Fox News apparatus from large amounts of money.

Anyone who can cripple News Corp is doing a public service, whatever the motive.

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//takes a bow!

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"Of course she's a liar! Look at the thousands of times she lied on our own network!"

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The perils of not reading down thread ...

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I guess at CNN and MSNBC all the guy passes are made at guys.

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It would be funny if their lawyers used that as part of their defense. "See, documented lies! Everything she ever said on the air was a lie!"

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Yes, you got it on all counts. Can't pull anything over on you!

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