Well, he is Satan after all. Consideration isn't real high on his to-do list.

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Wow. Who woulda thought a media-whore clergyman would be a hypocrite?

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Can we just go ahead and start the war on Christians now? they're starting to wear on me.

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It will be decided by sudden death!

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I really, really, really would enjoy an IRS agent investigating this pin dick since his opinion and bloviations clearly are beyond the boundaries of 501 (c) something tax exempt status. The bitch needs to be paying his taxes as does his church.

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The Fist Amendment only applies to things that don't piss me off.

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I thought the 11th Commandment was Thou Shalt Not Get Away With Shit. That one did a number on the Church, as I recall.

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The Heathen Moozlims believe that Satan isn't so much God's enemy as OURS. The Debbil refused to bow to Adam & Eve with the other angels, went to Hell for it, and is still plotting against US. Big G, being omnipotent, doesn't have any enemies; at least, not for very long.

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There was a lot of fine print on the Ten Commandments, but it all got worn off.

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The oil won't help if it's a pineapple you're deserving.

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He didn't like the competition. Still doesn't.

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"When you have a group that does this, not just because they want to do their own little worship, but they are provoking anger and hatred among the community."

I'm glad to see he's calling for the government to shut down the Westboro Batshit Church.

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Father Jonathan fails to note that the violence being "incited" by a satanic mass would be done people like him, not the satanists attending the mass. How does this support the notion that his religious views are superior?

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God bless the Satanists....

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You don't expect consistency from the followers of a god who says "thou shalt not kill", and almost immediately afterwards orders them to kill everyone in their path, do you?

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Hardly a day goes by that I'm not further convinced that the only difference between this fool and the folks who kill cartoonists for drawing a picture of the "prophet" is a simply a matter of degree...just different sides of the same infuckingsane coin.

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