Just a quick fact check: Canada did attempt to create a national gun registry some years ago, but it was junked by Conservatives we shamefully voted into power. Wee Justin Trudeau (The Lesser) hasn't lifted a nicely manicured finger to strengthen our gun laws. 🤷

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We had to destroy the school to save it!

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I'm pretty sure school walls are built filled with concrete and reinforced with steel. Totally unlike the "test walls" in the video.But cool toy though.

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We're gonna need more vaches. Also some brussel sprouts.

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Next on Fox: The real solution to school shootings--the Big Bad Wolf!

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These cannons could make really cool mortars. And math class sdudy of parabolas etc.Results similar to the cow catapult. Would play hell on roofs and 5 gallons of water exploding in the living room would be spectacular.Actually the video demo was rather unimaginative.

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If the school walls are as shabby as what they're shooting at, wouldn't the ceiling cave in if they blew a 6 foot hole in a load bearing wall?

Look at me, trying to use logic on this mess.

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They are. And probably.

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They would just say it's another reason that proves why schools need to be a "bidness."

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Or they could install more doors. Oh, wait...

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I have come to believe that Gun rights advocates are a cult that worship guns as blameless holy things that must never be destroyed or regulated in anyway.

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Including the bathrooms? Asking for a friend.

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Check out the destruction of Ripple Rock. The largest intentional non-nuclear explosion in history.

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Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.

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No, you're right. I guess I forgot to use the dripping sarcasm font. I was trying to underscore how dumb the person was. Must have missed.

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Late to Wonkette today. When I saw the headline, I thought of fire dept water cannons:https://en.m.wikipedia.org/...

Which can be used in riots, and fire hoses have been frequently used against protesters. I was trying to visualize how they’d be used in school shootings, again with the amount of time needed to set up. I was not expecting a cannon that shoots water bottles at all; an even sillier if equally useless idea.

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