Fox News is a place where you get promoted and given more air time for saying hateful stuff, so it's not surprising that NPR would fire Juan Williams for doing this on that channel or, say, a black employee would sue the company for people doing this around him.
I will admit that I stereotype all FOX News talking heads as sniveling dimwits that must concentrate with all their limited mental capacity just to drool. Does that make me a bigot?
Shep Smith has the dirt on these people. If you know what I mean, and I think you do.
Haha me too.
to be fair “You look like you’re ready to shoot someone" was probably accurate.
I will admit that I stereotype all FOX News talking heads as sniveling dimwits that must concentrate with all their limited mental capacity just to drool. Does that make me a bigot?
The last straw for Jones was when the FOX canteen wouldn't serve him any motherfucking iced tea.