My state's governor referred to the stay at home order protesters, oh that group of 50 individuals ( number is actually less if you do not count the children dumbasses brought with them)...hilarious.
we're a population of 8.536 million.
fucking drops in the bucket these dumb mutherfuckers protesting staying home.
Ha ha...that's why I'm always in favor of letting them try their idiot experiments, because they ALWAYS blow up in their faces. Then they make excuses about why it didn't work.
all i can say is, it's a good thing these patriots weren't, oh, say, students at kent state in 1970, or hippie protesters in chicago in '68, or ferguson protesters, etc etc etc. these clowns in michigan and ohio didn't even merit a bobbie with his nightstick saying "wot's all this then?" or have i missed the news about the massive arrests/warnings/threatening gestures from law enforcement?
One of my friends in MI (I grew up there) also bitched and moaned about having to oh-so-reluctantly apply for unemployment for the first time in her life. I think a big part of the irritation over it is that they lose what they consider their moral high ground. They're usually the type who're fond of declaring that "nobody ever gave ME a handout!" and typically "other" anyone receiving unemployment (or SNAP, or Medicaid, etc. etc.) as lazy takers, not like themselves!!
I'm seeing it here in North Dakota too among the Republicans I know. As soon as the Payroll Protection loan/grant came out, they were the first ones with their hands out, even though their businesses are not shut down. When I asked one how he resolved the conflict between his Republican/Libertarian ideals against "handouts" and his eagerness to accept a government bailout in spite of not needing it, his response was, "It's probably mostly my own tax money I paid in, anyway!! I'm just getting back my own money!". Ummmm-hmmmm okay, Jan.
Not to mention quite a few are farmers who have already received a lot of subsidies and handouts, and are still wintering in Arizona as they are accustomed.
It's "I'm a grown up and I don't need parents anymore and you can't make me eat vegetables, I'm gonna eat ice cream all day now!" dressed up in obfuscating language.
It takes a special - you might even call it “novel” - kind of stupid to demand the right to expose yourself and, inevitably, your family to a deadly and highly infectious virus. MAGA hats off to those morons and moronettes.
You know what the problem is? Because of HIPPA laws people are so far removed from suffering they don't believe it is even real. Every ICU being crushed under the weight of covid patients should have camera crews in there recording daily. And show it every night. There is a reason Emmitt Till's mother wanted an open casket and his picture published in the newspapers. As painful as that must have been for her (I cannot even imagine), would people have believed that someone doing something like that to someone else was even possible?
maybe harris faulkner, mike huckabee and all of their co-workers there at fox should walk out of their building in NY and march shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand over to the nearest subway station and take the train out to one of those fake hospitals out in queens with all the fake dead bodies in the fake refrigerator trucks and have one of their freedumb protests there. or is that just a job for the little people
Dearest Gran,Things go poorly here in the trenches, I've just watched every episode of Dr. Who ever made and now I'm bored. I suspect I've also developed a British accent, although not a sexy one.
Cause of death: et.
My state's governor referred to the stay at home order protesters, oh that group of 50 individuals ( number is actually less if you do not count the children dumbasses brought with them)...hilarious.
we're a population of 8.536 million.
fucking drops in the bucket these dumb mutherfuckers protesting staying home.
Ha ha...that's why I'm always in favor of letting them try their idiot experiments, because they ALWAYS blow up in their faces. Then they make excuses about why it didn't work.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's lying. He's like Trump - it's in his DNA to just lie.
all i can say is, it's a good thing these patriots weren't, oh, say, students at kent state in 1970, or hippie protesters in chicago in '68, or ferguson protesters, etc etc etc. these clowns in michigan and ohio didn't even merit a bobbie with his nightstick saying "wot's all this then?" or have i missed the news about the massive arrests/warnings/threatening gestures from law enforcement?
One of my friends in MI (I grew up there) also bitched and moaned about having to oh-so-reluctantly apply for unemployment for the first time in her life. I think a big part of the irritation over it is that they lose what they consider their moral high ground. They're usually the type who're fond of declaring that "nobody ever gave ME a handout!" and typically "other" anyone receiving unemployment (or SNAP, or Medicaid, etc. etc.) as lazy takers, not like themselves!!
I'm seeing it here in North Dakota too among the Republicans I know. As soon as the Payroll Protection loan/grant came out, they were the first ones with their hands out, even though their businesses are not shut down. When I asked one how he resolved the conflict between his Republican/Libertarian ideals against "handouts" and his eagerness to accept a government bailout in spite of not needing it, his response was, "It's probably mostly my own tax money I paid in, anyway!! I'm just getting back my own money!". Ummmm-hmmmm okay, Jan.
Not to mention quite a few are farmers who have already received a lot of subsidies and handouts, and are still wintering in Arizona as they are accustomed.
It's "I'm a grown up and I don't need parents anymore and you can't make me eat vegetables, I'm gonna eat ice cream all day now!" dressed up in obfuscating language.
No one ever wants to deal with the shit. Literally.
Anyone else feeling a subtle, not so subtle vibe of of the Terror of 1792-93?
It takes a special - you might even call it “novel” - kind of stupid to demand the right to expose yourself and, inevitably, your family to a deadly and highly infectious virus. MAGA hats off to those morons and moronettes.
You know what the problem is? Because of HIPPA laws people are so far removed from suffering they don't believe it is even real. Every ICU being crushed under the weight of covid patients should have camera crews in there recording daily. And show it every night. There is a reason Emmitt Till's mother wanted an open casket and his picture published in the newspapers. As painful as that must have been for her (I cannot even imagine), would people have believed that someone doing something like that to someone else was even possible?
also I'd just like to say to them, as a nurse for 20 years, f*ck all y'all Thanks for making my job 30x harder and more dangerous than it needs to be
maybe harris faulkner, mike huckabee and all of their co-workers there at fox should walk out of their building in NY and march shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand over to the nearest subway station and take the train out to one of those fake hospitals out in queens with all the fake dead bodies in the fake refrigerator trucks and have one of their freedumb protests there. or is that just a job for the little people
Dearest Gran,Things go poorly here in the trenches, I've just watched every episode of Dr. Who ever made and now I'm bored. I suspect I've also developed a British accent, although not a sexy one.
Best regards.
Kudos to you.and all the respect.
I can give them a list of evil people in our political reps.gators need to eat, too.