Well I've noticed something. We know conservatives aren't funny, I know. What's more basic, they aren't playful. That requires a detour from something, to be playful you have to take a break from the regular thing you're doing for a second. If you think about it. I'm afraid they're only always doing the one thing. I think I'm right, I think that's what it is. I mean, being playful can't include jeering.
Laura Ingraham doesn't close her mouth after she speaks but she ought to. I don' t suppose she ever watches herself. So I think that's why she was demoted.
I hope he enjoys many footwear meals. Seasoned with shoe pepper.
That's what propaganda does. Sucks.
Watters is Carlson without the suave manners
It's nice that the Internet never forgets
Well I've noticed something. We know conservatives aren't funny, I know. What's more basic, they aren't playful. That requires a detour from something, to be playful you have to take a break from the regular thing you're doing for a second. If you think about it. I'm afraid they're only always doing the one thing. I think I'm right, I think that's what it is. I mean, being playful can't include jeering.
RuPaul played someone's middle school guidance counselor once, maybe it was the Brady Bunch movie. So reassuring and sweet!!!!
Laura Ingraham doesn't close her mouth after she speaks but she ought to. I don' t suppose she ever watches herself. So I think that's why she was demoted.
Naw, Waters is like the dude who doesn't know what WAP is...
Dominion lawsuit will keep everyone off of Newsmax
Carrottop has the blue hour slot...
Why didn't FUX let Elon take that hour? Him doing bong hits might bring in the youngz....?
Maybe a Friedman units worth?
Ingraham...??? Puleez!!!!!
It’s a sliding scale.
You mean, "The Villages" in Florida, right? Lottsa VD there...