Every time I see Bannon's stupid face and am exposed to what he vomits out of his pie hole, I'm astonished that anyone takes him remotely seriously, and also I wish TFG had never pardoned him because both of them are assholes.

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I can't even look at him anymore. I mean, it was always an effort, but now it's just *shudder*. And I'm totally aging into the butch grandma organizing bake sales stereotype, so I'm not happy to be in his company.

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For once, I agree with Steve Bannon.

Like him or idolize him, Donald Trump is our only living disgraced President and Fox should throw itself on the Smartmatic grenade by way of kissing up to him.

It's just common sense.

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I’ll tell you who Steve Bannon looks like:



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Bannon, who every day looks more like somebody’s RACIST butch grandmother who was nice enough to organize the bake sale to pay for the junior high band trip to All State.


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But I really want some powdered sugar lemon squares. Are there any non-racist butch grandmothers around I can buy some from?

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Please. Like Kayleigh McEnany actually cares about her mother.

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She’d cut her own mother’s heart out for a book deal.

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Or even a better chance at fame.

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Is it my imagination or does Bannon's complexion look little orange? Sure, he added a third chin, but doesn't his new do look suspiciously like a certain combover from Hell? Why is he shaving and apparently bathing now? If he's planning on being Trump's double he needs more blonde highlights

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It's just jaundice.

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Yeah, ol three shirts' liver is waving the white flag of surrender 😆

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Three shirts to the wind

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i’ve often wondered what a love child of pig pen & the michelin man would look like … no longer curious …

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You have often wondered that? 🤔

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Anything that pisses off Stevie "Three Shirts" is a good thing.

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Bannon does kind of resemble Mac’s mom on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Now I can’t unsee it

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I watch a little bit of Fox News from time to time just to keep an eye on them.

I distinctly remember that Arthel Neville said on air, about two years ago, that the election was NOT rigged or stolen. I told my Trumpy Neighbor at the time, and she was shocked. She said, "I don't know who Arthel Neville is. Is that the old guy?"

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I wish people would spell her name correctly. It's Kaylie McEnany, not Kayleigh McEnany

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I always call her Kayleigh Mercenary.

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well, OK ..........Tits McGee it is then!

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Furious Rupert Murdoch Returns to Fox After Network Accidentally Broadcasts Fact

By Andy Borowitz

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—An irate Rupert Murdoch has returned to the helm of Fox News after the network accidentally let a fact slip into its evening programming.

Speaking to reporters, the visibly seething mogul refused to identify the alarming nugget of reality that set him off, but said that it was “truthful enough” to make him reverse his week-old decision to retire.

Murdoch, who had been forced to apologize when the network strayed into accuracy last June, revealed that he phoned his son Lachlan late last night and “tore him a new one.”

“I left you in charge for one week and you crapped the bed, mate,” he told him. “You don’t deserve to call yourself my evil spawn.”

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This arsehole again. Oh, good.

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I'm not sure which worries me more: that Bunghole Bannon rose to the rank of Lieutenant in the US Navy or that he got Harvard to give him an MBA. He may not be the stupidest man on the internet, maybe not even second, but he's holding on strong to third.

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Is he stupid, though? Or just a really, really, REALLY bad person?

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Don't forget to add Chief Strategist for the President of the United States and a cabinet-level seat on the National Security Council Principal's Committee as things Bunghole Bannon can worry you about.

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"Fox, TV for stupid people"

I hate to say it, but I agree with Steve Bannon on this

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Mind blown! Steve (Hobo Beans) Bannon uttered TWO truths!

1.Fox News is TV for stupid people


2.Hannity should be ashamed of himself.

and, for bonus points, "the demon father of all this, Murdoch", a perfectly accurate description of the old bastard.

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Anything that makes Three Shirts mad is a good thing.

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