We have been trying to find reporting on Biden standing athwart the devastation and demanding to be treated as the Great And All Powerful One, but we didn’t find it, so let’s assume Will Cain is shitting his pants for nothing, like a typical conservative white guy.

Ironically, this is what their lord and savior Trump would do when he takes a break from throwing paper towels.

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‘When the president does it, it’s not illegal.’

sooo... then nothing he is whinging on about Biden should matter. Biden can do whatever he wants with his unlimited-up-to-and-including-crimes power that the office bestows on him.

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You're neglecting their unspoken codicil: "When the [Republican] President does it..."

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IYOKIAR, Chief Executive Edition

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I think I know what has Will Cain's panties in a bunch, and I think it has something to do with penis size.

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Panties would absolutely be the correct undergarment for any male, similarly situated, in the 'penis magnitude' category, as Will 'micro' Cain obviously is........

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I think Cain was talking about the time Biden said “Ron DeSantis is a puerile, degenerate, lying piece of moldy ‘possum shit!”

Oh, wait… that was me. Never mind.

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Moldy possum shit libelzzzzz!!!1

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I think Biden needs to get a body double to go to the next big hurricane hitting the US and act like the Weather Channel fools trying to stand at a 45% angle against 90 mph winds and grabbing onto flapping stop signs. Then have Biden dub in narration. It won't be hard since that person would be covered by waterproof gear that would hide their appearance. Then dare Trump to do the same thing, saying I'm not afraid to face the same danger as the people of (wherever). Is Trump?

What gets me is that if Biden doesn't show up immediately, like the fires in Hawaii, they bitch about him not getting involved. But if he does show up after the situation is stabilized they accuse him of politicizing it. Plus it's fine if DeSantis shows up with his signature official white boots (with official seal of the governor and his signature, available for $259.00 at his campaign site. Don't accept imitations!) right after a hurricane but it's a political stunt if Biden shows up even when the feds will be covering billions of dollars in recovery funds. Possibly more than Florida will provide despite DeSantis downplaying federal help by saying Florida has been setting aside money for this for years.

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There is a one thousand percent chance that if Biden hadn't gone this chump would complain about that too.

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It’s almost like these fuckers traffic in bad faith.

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Yes, it IS disgusting when the POTUS tosses paper towels at hurricane victims, then stands on the smoldering ruins of of a CA town and calls it by the wrong name, then says ‘I’m not leaving this office and I have thousands of goons in town who say you can’t make me.’ Is that what he meant?

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Biden said _that_(, says Cain)? How very dare he! InPEECH!

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Remember when they tried "Barack Obama says "I" too much, he thinks everything is about HIM", and then they got the MOST self-involved fucking narcissist on the planet smuggled into the White House and suddenly it was okay for the President to call himself "your favorite President" and to hire nobody but shameless sycophants and tweet out to us all his every petty grievance?

Good times, good times.

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I remember the good old days when Will Cain was just ESPN’s token rightwing crank. He took a step back for his own career by going to the All Rightwing Cranks, All The Time channel.

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When a president does it, it's not illegal.*

*Offer not applicable to Democratic presidents.

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Offer also not applicable for when a Democratic president didn't do what he's being accused of.

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dude probably creamed his pantaloons when he saw PAB throwing paper towels.

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Ghoul and Pimp are a crackerjack vaudeville ventriloquist act, and sucks to yer assmar if you can't see that.

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Will Cain on the leftl


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"It’s not to say there’s not science in some of these elements to discuss, but you turned it into a religion."

As opposed to saying "a creator created the universe" has some room for science, but half your party's Congressional delegation thinks He (definitely a He, definitely a long white beard and thunderbolts) literally did it in six days 6,000 years ago and don't you dare question THEIR sincerely held religious beliefs!

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What you wanna do in the event of a disaster is go to the disaster zone and lob paper towels at people like you’re a dollar store Larry Bird

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Noticeable lack of people on the left ascribing the Florida hurricane to god's wrath over bad DeSantis policies about abortion and gays and such, as the religious right does nearly every time a natural disaster befalls a blue state. And still they call the lefties the crazy ones.

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I'd like to know what DeSantis did to piss God off so much that he dropped a tree on his house.

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