Those Dems will stoop to ANYthing-- now they're having stable marriages and procreating. Next thing you know they'll start with the church and cookie baking.
My new personal life goal is to establish "oofgosh" as a catch phrase, just below as "also, too" among Palinisms. But damn, I still keep typing "offgosh."
Perino has no children. No problem there with that choice. But to paraphrase the Archbishop of Coolio, His Excellency Guido Sarducci, "she no playa the game, she no talka smack about those that do."
It makes wonder how they end up having so very many children, if they don't know where the 'ace' (aka baby gravy) goes. Oh I know, they never had a real sexual education class; so the 'mystery' of life remains unexplained......
And married, and literate, and was voted 'most likely to be able to string a sentence together' by her 'smart bitches with an opinion, who hate illiterate bronze age jackasses' coven...... And as salt in the wound: Daughter of one president and likely two.... (But I'm voting the Bern in the primary......)
Josh Duggar reporting for duty. Watch out for that strangling though, Dana. He's a bit of a pistol when not spouting Bible verses.
Those Dems will stoop to ANYthing-- now they're having stable marriages and procreating. Next thing you know they'll start with the church and cookie baking.
My new personal life goal is to establish "oofgosh" as a catch phrase, just below as "also, too" among Palinisms. But damn, I still keep typing "offgosh."
That babby plotting our total subjugation, just sayin'
Ace in he hole, ace in the pocket, who knows. They all have their heads up their assholes.
Obamawankanobi did some Jedi jizz thing and got Chelsea insperminated.
Perino has no children. No problem there with that choice. But to paraphrase the Archbishop of Coolio, His Excellency Guido Sarducci, "she no playa the game, she no talka smack about those that do."
It makes wonder how they end up having so very many children, if they don't know where the 'ace' (aka baby gravy) goes. Oh I know, they never had a real sexual education class; so the 'mystery' of life remains unexplained......
Was that before or after demanding pickles and ice cream? </snark>
Apparently only some people are allowed to follow 'gods plan'....
And your alternative is what exactly?
And married, and literate, and was voted 'most likely to be able to string a sentence together' by her 'smart bitches with an opinion, who hate illiterate bronze age jackasses' coven...... And as salt in the wound: Daughter of one president and likely two.... (But I'm voting the Bern in the primary......)
Hmmm how does one bake a church?
First you get a large supply of Brownie mix and add a kilo...