From the planet's point of view, the whole anthropocene era is modern, and a big, big, mistake.

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All belief systems can be used for good and evil, INCLUDING atheism/secularism as well as all religions.Really? What sort of evil could the followers of FSM get up to?

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Charlie Manson was inspired to murder by Beatles records; I'm not willing to bet that some lunatic won't be dragged before the courts after a terrorist incident with a colander on his head.

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I'd never actually miss her if she went away, but I'd fail to remember that she's a fucking moron, and I'd think she'd want to help me with that memory failure.

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If your Palin-Hasselbeck doesn't go away in four hours see a doctor?

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If just watching Fox News drops your IQ by 10 points, imagine the damage working there must do.

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Optional musical accompaniment: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Oh yeah. And Ralph Steadman to illustrate.

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And thanks to Rachel Maddow tonite, I now know why!

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Blah, blah, blah; deanbooth is still a nice person. Your point is ACTUALLY moot.

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Agreed. I'm so stealing that.

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Twice-baked halfwit Elisabeth really, I thought that liberals were against name calling, it seems its okay when you have a hatred for something.

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One military historian compared Bush's invasion to the Battle of the Teutoberg Forest."Quintilius Varus, give me back my eagles!"

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Putting pineapple on pizza?

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Just imagine Trump, Cruz and Christie a la Steadman.

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As we all learned in German 101, "Hasselbeck" translates to "cunt" in English.

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