Classic a fellow with the name Brit knows manly shit,Ok boy named Brit STFU

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But ... doesn't the idea of actually <i>caring</i> about how people <i>might perceive you</i> qualify as some kind of femmipansy shit, also? Man it's tough to be a no-nonsense cartoon version of a concocted anachronism these days! Maybe having a droopy face that looks like it actually came from very long ago gives him a bit of advantage.

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Yes, now you're getting it! It's any of those things, or all of them, or anything else we point out, at any time. We've always been at war with them, too, yes?

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Jesus Christ on a corndog stick, these guys!

I'm trying to envision in alternate-universe-style, how some hypothetical "libral media person" would have "helped" defend Barack during Monument-gate with such colossal tone-deafness as Hume does...

Would Bizarro AntiHume say:

Something about how everyone would say it's typical of black people to want to close things down, because lazy, but it is this atmosphere something something you're-a-racist?

Would he suggest that Barack's got his mind on his money and his money on his mind, so it makes sense for black folks to want to shut down monuments?

Only racists go to monuments anyway, and its this atmosphere of Idolizing White Folks that keeps haunting people like Barack?

Rich people get to go on vacations, to monuments, and so to want them open is just so much class-warfaring against the working poors, who never get to go because this atmosphere of 1%-ers always exploiting them something something?

"It's just like all of you Frankenfoodists to want to keep monuments open, so you can sell more manufactured high-fructose corn syrup from nutritionally homicidal snack wagons?"

The terrible job of constant deflection done by these famous wingnut Media personal-responsibility aficionados is jaw-dropping, is what I'm trying to get at. It's dropping jaws in its jaw droppingness.

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It is becoming apparent that [naughty English boarding school dropout] Brit Hume associates the name "Chris Christie" with the word "chubby" in a rather peculiar way.

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But what was Christie to do... Vince Foster is already dead.

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Also when he wore shoes too.

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No, it was Obama in Benghazi with the IRS.

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This was predictably going to be the GOP's view of shutting down the equivalent of a major airport for 4 days out of spite.

The GOP's problems with the women's vote, the Hispanic vote, children, minorities--anyone for whom government is a lifeline (veterans, sick people) rather than a hindrance--go far beyond "lack of empathy." It is an institution characterized by what criminal law calls "depraved indifference."

From today's NYT update on the Bridge to <strike>the White House</strike> Nowhere scandale, a couple of stories of the shutdown:

"[she] could not get to New York to be with her husband while he underwent a stem cell transplant. A man unemployed for a year was 40 minutes late for his first day at a new job."

Perhaps the Democrat Party will have the brains to gather individual stories of crisis and harm from the 1 million+ commuters who were "inconvenienced" last September, and will publish 3,000 stories per day for the next year or so, or at least through this November's elections.

Meanwhile, let me correct Mr. Hume's slight semantic slippage:

"...if you act like kind of an <strike>old-fashioned guy’s guy,</strike> sociopath you’re in constant danger of slipping out and <strike>saying</strike> doing something that’s going to get you in trouble and make you look like a <strike>sexist or make you look like you seem</strike> thug<strike>gish</strike> or <strike>whatever</strike> a sociopath.

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Let's just say New Jersey's Fatty Arbuckle is bipolar and be done with it.

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“...guys who are masculine and muscular like that...”

Chris Christie? And the adjective you go with is "muscular"?

Even if Hume meant figuratively...

No, just no.

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and that gives me a mind-blowing idea....

Wait. That joke works better with 'penis'. Not for me, mind you...

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being a vindictive bully doesn't make you masculine, it means you're a dick. And no, Christie isn't waving his around, mostly because he probably can't even find it without sending in a search and rescue team

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And muscular. Takes a lot of muscle to move that bulk, I suppose.

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Brit Hume? (In his own mind.)

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I'm not usually down with fat jokes, but this is begging for it.

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