Bolling trolling again.

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Resistance is futile

(can we at least give the Borg the GPS coordinates to 1211 Avenue of the Americas?)

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I picture Jeebus, balling his fists and grinding his teeth.

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Pol Pot, particularly when he had the prisoners lined up so that one bullet could kill more than one victim.

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The bean counters probably ran the numbers, and found there was way more money selling snuff porn to Eric Bolling than in housing inmates.

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Aw, what a nice little teevee ghoul, gleefully urinating on some of the foundations of our civilization, speaking directly to the very same people who complain about the 'coarsening of our culture.' The very same people who never ever bat an eye at this obvious example of coarsening, because "FOX fan."

___ "And why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own?" (Translation: Eric Bolling just shat in your eyeballs, FOX watchers, and you <i>loved it</i>)

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Gobblin's Law

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<em>Note to commenters: Remember, we don’t want to go there. We’re better than that, right? RIGHT?</em>

a) Yes, we do want to go there. We <em>really</em> do. But we won't, for the most part, because we are good little Wonkeronians.

b) Speak for yourself. I am pretty vulgar and immature, and generally willing to go too far for a joke...

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Maybe we need a version of the <em>It Gets Better</em> videos for prisoners.

We could call it <em>It Stays Pretty Much Just Like This Until You Get Out</em>.

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Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the show?

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I thought it was to not provide them any medication for the wisdom teeth they just got pulled. Hell of a way to die...

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You will notice how quietly I am sitting here, in the corner, saying nothing.

Ignore the malicious smile on my face...

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