Fox News lady Gretchen Carlson has just about had it with these radical extremist Denver-area high school students and their unruly protests over proposed changes to the history curriculum.
The Reichwing leaders are always described as "smart" (see Cruz, Ted) - I think there may literally be another meaning for that word. Like well-dressed, coiffed, and accessorized.
When I used to teach US history here in Canada, we used an American text called The Triumph of the American Nation, for god's sake. Thank goodness for the interwebs and Digital History, a good site with a much less rah-rah USA bias.
Hey, Gretchen "The Beave" Carlson: Obama and Obamacare are the President and law of the land. If you don't like it, get out.
See? Weed is now legal in CO and these kids are sneaking into their parent&#039;s stash...and the teachers are all pot smoking so called &quot;free thinkers&quot; who are bribing the kids with doritos to help them with their nefarious union plans. And if Obama had not <strike>admited to using drugs</strike> existed, none of this would have happened.
Ah, <a href="https:\/\/\/watch\?v=98qw86DsdZ0" target="_blank">education </a> in the obligations of the husband and responsibilities of wife used to begin early in pre-Obama America.
The United States, A country founded by Traitorous Illegal Combatants who rebelled against the legitimate authority and colluded with an enemy nation.
So &quot;right-leaning&quot; is an assemblage of letters that... has no meaning.
The Reichwing leaders are always described as &quot;smart&quot; (see Cruz, Ted) - I think there may literally be another meaning for that word. Like well-dressed, coiffed, and accessorized.
&quot;...starting the segment by asking reporter Trace Gallagher, &ldquo;All right, what&rsquo;s up with these punks?&rdquo;
The meaning of the word &quot;reporter&quot; has changed, hasn&#039;t it?
Finally, Carlson wraps up with the age-old cry of the conservative:
By gosh, I&#039;m angry!
Has the Botox smoothed out the wrinkles in Gretchen Carlson&#039;s brain?
When I used to teach US history here in Canada, we used an American text called The Triumph of the American Nation, for god&#039;s sake. Thank goodness for the interwebs and Digital History, a good site with a much less rah-rah USA bias.
Actually, it&#039;s true that someone is attempting to use this event for their own gain.
And that someone is Ken Witt.
Hey, Gretchen &quot;The Beave&quot; Carlson: Obama and Obamacare are the President and law of the land. If you don&#039;t like it, get out.
They&#039;re blissfully ignorant of the pain (among other things). It&#039;s the rest of us that get the migrane.
See? Weed is now legal in CO and these kids are sneaking into their parent&#039;s stash...and the teachers are all pot smoking so called &quot;free thinkers&quot; who are bribing the kids with doritos to help them with their nefarious union plans. And if Obama had not <strike>admited to using drugs</strike> existed, none of this would have happened.
Well, I didn&#039;t expect that....
Ah, <a href="https:\/\/\/watch\?v=98qw86DsdZ0" target="_blank">education </a> in the obligations of the husband and responsibilities of wife used to begin early in pre-Obama America.
Courtesy of Annie Kinsella: &quot;I think you had two fifties and moved right into the seventies.&quot;
I LOVE these CO kids!