Yes. But imagine the look on his face!!1

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"So were the people in the restaurants screaming 'Bring me some more motherfucking hot tea?'" -- O'Reilly

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"One of the Good Ones: The Clarence Thomas Story" -- coming in the fall on Fox

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It's also pretty gross/telling that he didn't give a shit about helping out his wife or being there for the two daughters he already has when they were newborns. Suddenly he has a son, and it's much more important for him to take paternity leave.

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<sings>Alfred E. Neumann,though slightly subhuman,will win just like Truuuuu-mandid, from Missoooouuuri!Vote for him todaySo the country can say:"What me worry?Worry, worry, worry ...."</sings>

(from a Mad parody, I think for the '72 election or thereabouts)

(it wouldn't take much photoshop to put the former guy's head-weasel at the top of AEN's skull, I think0

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At least GHWB didn't believe in "voodoo economis" so maybe we could have avoided that lie, if Reagan had died.

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Spot on. Case in point: JD Vance's mother is an opiate addict = JD Vance supports opiate addiction treatment.

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I’m sure he’ll be like Megyn Kelly and think this stuff is great for him but the others? The rabble? Not so much.

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“Wait, I have a kid and I get six whole weeks off? I gotta get in on this scam!”

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Well, for gosh sakes! You can't leave those baby boys in the custody of a female! All that estrogen will make him gay! Or something. I'm sure this guy will strap his new scion to his chest in a BabyBjorn(T) and raise him at work while his wife raises the girl-children.

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I did not know that. Smug, shameless asshole.

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Why can't he take six weeks? I thought he was allowed 18 weeks.

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I've come to call it The Portman Syndrome after my beloved Senator.

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One time while waiting for a meeting to start, the director of my division regaled us with a story about taking a second job at night putting in the fixtures in a new store. He made a point of telling us he didn't need the extra money, but they had two kids at home, two and four, and he took the job to get out of the house at night and avoid all that chaos.

He had other adorable attributes as well. Kind of a Trump-type writ small.

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They tried the alternative. Amazingly, it attracted people like Watters.

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In defence of the GQP, Gaetz has remained firm against the Bill to strengthen DOJ powers against sex trafficking.

In retrospect, Matt JailBaetz's concerns for "Mission Creep" has a whole new meaning ....

Both sides, means their slime slides.

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