OMD! they are still trying to expand the prison-industrial complex!

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[or da gas pipe, but I diint want to mess up the Clue reference]

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but Andy Griffith always seemed the type to stick up for the underdog (but I could be wrong)

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reminds me of this Lhasa Apso who would get so excited when we would jump in the leaves that he would bite me once we landed.

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Smashing Pumpkins is playing?

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I thought you typed "fondling the Prada" but do soshulists own any Prada?

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If he values you that much to call back and actually express the desire to change, it might actually be that he was trying to get attention with his posts and that you've given him something better to strive for. But I must go feed my rainbow farting unicorns...

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Ah, Oprah, is there anything she can't fix?!

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Damn, wish that happened in front of me, I would have exercised my privilege as a gigantic white man (6'8" 350) to cackle insults at her :p

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Are there no workhouses?!

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I don't know who Jesse Watters is and from the article I get the impression I shouldn't bother to make the effort to find out.

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Who ARE these people? And why do they make me glad that I don't know who they are?

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That's right. Be a mushroom and live off of others. No need to think for yourself.

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The day that Fic News (sorry, Fox News) goes bankrupt because there aren't enough gullible RWNJs to provide an audience will be a great, great day for mankind.

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