I'd fucking love to watch John Stossel try to live for a year in New York City on $23k, arguendo. No fucking way he'd make it to Memorial Day, and I wouldn't be surprised if he was out by Valentine's.

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John Stossel knows about lying. The ends justified the means, so he made a cardboard sign...

Like so many deluded lapdogs, he fails to realize that being inauthentic for money doesn't grant him the ability to recognize if others are doing the same.

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Which is worse? Being a person who impersonates a homeless person for a little while, then extrapolates that they're all fakers making loads of money... or being the sort of person who watches that faker on their teevees (despite the fact that it contradicts the Jesus in the Bible they just got at Costco) and agrees with it.

Evil spreads like a virus to those with terminally weakened morality that a misplaced "Fiction" sticker, a "Happy Holidays", or a Stosselly fuckstick can so easily separate them from their compassion.

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I hear that the John Stossle Workhouse Charity is opening soon. It's right next door to the Debtor's Prison and Company Store.

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Viewers should be weary of the shitty grammar skills at Faux News. Then again, these are Fox viewers...

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Faux News Douchebags trying to out-douche one another on TV? It would be hilarious if it was an SNL skit, but as reality TV it's merely nauseating.

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Nit. Brother-in-law. /Nit.

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Brother in law.

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Stuff like this makes me wish there really were a Hell, and that the first part of Stossel that burned there was his damned mustache.

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What a Stool Sample.

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"To Serve Wingnuts"

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It's considerably higher than my annual income, but I don't live in high-cost-of-living NYC.

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Someone please explain the difference between libertarianism and Social Darwinism. Ready...set... NO, YOU CANNOT BECAUSE THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE.

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Such nice people.

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