At least he's not doing editorials in my local fishwrap anymore.

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I seem to recall an expose' like, "Beggars, They're All Secret Millionaires", or something.

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I'd suggest a lobotomy, but that presumes the existence of frontal lobes.

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Are we sure it's a pornstache, and not a repurposed 70's porn muff?

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They're REALLY bad when you appoint completely incompetent people to run them.

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If you're white, it's not looting. It's being "pro-active and resourceful".

If there's ever a disaster here, I'm going to rent myself out to black people who are <strike> looting</strike> scavenging for water or groceries but don't want to get shot. (In a disaster, property becomes more valuable than human life, unless it's a white life.)

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Nothing creates order as well as a hurricane or tornado.

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Also in the book: "How DDT could actually save millions of lives annually, if only we hadn't been wrongly convinced it caused cancer" (who the fuck thought cancer was the problem?); also, too, "Why it's okay to marry your cousin."

His book is "full of common sense", which is obviously how you demolish common beliefs.

John grew up in a <a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2013\/12\/23\/books\/stossel-family-problems-spelled-out-in-new-releases.html\?_r=0" target="_blank">seriously screwed-up family</a>, so no surprise he's a bit funny in the head. He should maybe rethink that cousin-marrying business.

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Hey, what do you expect for only a $3.99 stamp?

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Oh there will be roads. And an E-Zpass toll monitor at the end of your driveway.

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I think they trade that 'stache between them - has anyone ever seen both of them in the same room at the same time?

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Housing is a luxury. Let them live in Great Value tents.

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<em>"Because FEMA is incompetent because government tends to be."</em>

Boy, it must grind the gears of those FEMA folks how they get blamed for the Katrina response because W decided their agency was a great sinecure for one of his buddies.

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Spontaneous order? S =/= k ln w? Entropy does not apply to entrepreneurs?

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<i>After Katrina, Walmart and private charities helped people in many more ways than FEMA did</i>

Yeah, no.

You're a frothing wingnut.

You don’t get to criticize anything about Katrina response unless you're assigning blame to Chimpy W Bush and his merry band of Mayberry Machiavelians!

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