Groovy, man...

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yes. not to be patronizing, but a degree from a highly credited institution with many noble laureates really does pay for itself in temp agency circles. everyone should carefully consider that when choosing an institution of higher learning.

(in truth i'm temping at mr fuflans law firm as i lost my (middle class professional service sector) job with exactly no notice and a good-bye check for exactly $200. you know those wacky job creators!! always looking for ways to make your life less boring!!

but i have NEVER been able to interest a temp agency. i'm (also) an actor and would LOVE to be able to just temp and act. but nothing. i think the degree doesn't help...)

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Hah. "I'll be pleased to answer any questions you might have."

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someone tell the idiot meygan kelly to shut her big mouth for her opinion means nothing to any candidate. all she does is shoot her mouth off criticizing all candidates for her own selfish needs. my wife and i don't give her the time of day

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NBC's newscast coverage of the debate tonight was basically a repetition of saying "Look how childish and rude they both were."

So, in summary: Obama plays nice, gets called a loser for two weeks and watches his poll numbers plummet. Obama puts up a fight, gets called childish and rude.

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Cheese does that to some people

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Just plying us with answers, eh?

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right? the media narrative - and i especially think the center and soft left leaning media - has been distinctly harsh on obama. has been from the very beginning of his presidency. from the bbc to npr they have routinely subjected him to standards and scrutiny they never did to bush. and over on the center right, the economist has been gunning for him since they endorsed him in '08.

if we were having an honest dialogue about these two candidates, romney's campaign would have been on life support after My European Summer Vacation;and completely dead after the 47% tape.

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Liquor in the front?

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It's the concept of "double-blind peer review" that confuses them. They know it's something bad and liberal (because data have a liberal bias), but they're not sure if it's an aid program for visually impaired Rockettes or that thing Jerry Sandusky was caught doing.

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I see what you did there.

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How can amoral TV personalities do so much damage to the country while on fake "news" sets? There will be questions about it.

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Isn't that odd, that when Obama did a shit job in the first debate, some people say he did a shit job. (Some people = everyone)

When Mitt did a shit job in the second debate, some people say "there are questions about the questions." (Some people = one host at the propaganda network)

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Excuse me, blonde Fox bobblehead with about as much brains as the pieces of plastic they give away at ballparks, but asking how Mitt would pay for his multi-trillion dollar tax cuts and military spending increases <em>is</em> showing concern about the deficit.

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Alex, I'll take "Ways you know your guy won the debate handily" for $800, please.

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What about the pandering to the just under 50% of the population (oh, say, about 47%) who are irresponsible moochers?

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