Very nice.

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Luntz puntz!!!

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Uhm, how far is it from Penn to DC, exactly? I would have thought that most people attending a <a href="http:\/\/www.sfs.upenn.edu\/paying\/cost-of-attendance.htm" target="_blank">$61k8/year</a> total cost of attendance private college would probably have the means to finance such a trip by themselves.

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Wow. And there was I thinking pageants were as creepy as they could be now.

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Michelle will be even more frothspittling mad than usual that you just compounded Luntz's insult to her.

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greater truth was never spoken.

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That worked so well for that other guy, too.

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Luntz takes ball, goes home - EVERYONE WINS!

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He announced that he would never speak at Penn again. Penn +1, Luntz -1.

Am I the only one who thinks putting "Frank Luntz's Dad Scholarship" on a resume should give students pause?

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The thing I like about "quiet rooms" is that there is less mic interference.

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<blockquote>Maybe even try something that does not revolve around lying.</blockquote>

Hell, I work in software, and I am <em>still</em> looking for a job that doesn't revolve around lying...</em>

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You know how everyone says Limbaught has 20 million listeners a week? How do we know its not the same four million listeners tuning in five days a week? I mean, that is still a prettyipressive sized audience for an AM radio show, but still...claiming 20 million listeners when your show is on five times a week 3 hours a day always seemed like a pretty sketchy statistic to me.

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