Eh, all this rant did was get that song stuck in my head. And I honestly like that song, so, well, he failed to get me all bothered.


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So," elmer gantry" (sorry Burt Lancaster, but I hadda.) What would you take a bullet for, AND WHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Awesome agenda! I agree, life is way too short to spend it hating on people - especially entire groups of them.

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I find that more amusing than threatening, but I do feel bad if it made you feel bad.

Meh, some guy berated me on OKCupid because I rejected his shitty advances. I was like, Um, that's NOT the way to get me to date you. KTHXBY

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I want guillotine trike! It's environmentally friendly and clears out the traffic.

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I have lots of shoes! Hiking boots, caving boots, riding boots, cycling shoes, water shoes... okay, I have a couple cute pairs... somewhere ;-)

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I'm pretty sure that not all Christians believe in the Rapture like his folk do. I was Presbyterian & Lutheran and they never went on about any Rapture.

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Da Sonnance ain't just a river in Cognitive...

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Exactly. I don't evaluate my fellow pee-ers.

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Ya know, bathrooms are already open to sexual predators and perverts 'cause sexual predators and perverts tend to go wherever they want to go to do their sexual predatoring and perverting.

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TIL, me mocking fundies is the same thing as shooting them in the heart. Who knew?

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Kind of looks like Menacing Paul Haggis. I wonder if he's that ripped.

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2 Yeah, I’m gonna spam every thread…

OT: The First Annual Far West Wonkette Commentariat Meeting

May 19th or 20th. Time and place TBD. Proudgrampa and wife made it to Maui safely. The meet and greet will happen once decompression is complete. Stay tuned for details.

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. . . not bow to the secular, increasingly godless culture in which we live.

Got news for you Frankie-Boy - there are plenty of genuine Christians who a) have no obsession with what other people do or do not do with their private parts, and are unconcerned with the idea that trans men should use the men's room and trans women should use the women's room - as they have been doing all along -without anyone else's notice or interference. There is nothing in the Bible that makes you the Bathroom Police. And b) see nothing of Christ in your message. If you want to be referencing the Old Testament constantly, you might want to look into becoming Jews, since that's the book they use. Not that the actual Jews would have you.

And last but not least, we ARE a secular, godless culture - by design. If you want a theocracy, you are free to leave and go found your own somewhere else. But unless you can convince your fellow Americans to put you and yours in charge (LOL) and change the Constitution, U.S. America is and will remain a secular Democratic Republic, in which laws are made without reference to any particular religion and there is no religious test for any public office.

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They also don't pull out

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"Stop serving that secular, gawdless society!!1!"Well, he said gawdless, we all know a good chunk of those christian folk serve Mammon so that's his loophole. I also get the feeling that the modern second amendment christians we are producing read "take a bullet" as "kill the unbelievers!!"

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