"A middle-aged man poring over reams of pornographic material would be ostracized (unless he were a judge hearing a case about that subject matter)."

Didn't realize there are so many budding judges in Red State America!

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I just "scribbled" all over a "cartoon" myself!

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Jesus, I heard that the Mormons were porn-addicts, but to actually send it to the IRS? That takes it to the next level.

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Not only that, the town is also finding out that the rust was caused by something really really disturbing.


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So in the Karl Rove/Atwater school of political chicanery, where you accuse your opponents of your own shortcomings...Fred Thompson is saying Mitt Romney has a porn problem? Or maybe he invested his junior high lunch money in death squads? Or his wife, as a teenager, was a male Pakistani spy?

Perhaps I may have all the details fucked up, but in my defense, FRED THOMPSON WAS ALLOWED TO WRITE AN EDITORIAL.

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Jack McCoy: Everyone who's interviewed him has gotten a different story. And now he refuses to answer any more questions.

DA Arthur Branch: He sounds as slippery as an eel in a barrel of oil. But his money can't lie.

McCoy: He refuses to hand over his tax records.

Branch: He sounds as stubborn as a mule in a barrel of cement. See if you can get our friends in the press to give him a nudge.

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Unfortunately, I have not found a way to buy assets for my retirement plan that have their value controlled by me or my associates. If I could do such a thing, I'm sure my 401(k) would be worth millions by now.

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<i>"An adult watching movies every day during daylight hours would be frowned upon."</i>

Watching "Die Hard II" at any time would cause frowning upon. And don't get me frowning upon about "Aces: Iron Eagle II". (Did you ever notice that a colon in a movie title <i>guarantees</i> it's a piece of crap?)

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because, politicians aren't regular ppl, unless it's convenient that they be such, or something.

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