I can think of a bunch : Wernicke-Korsakoff (from chronic alcoholism and thiamine deficiency)--oh wait, those are Czech and RussianUh, Wegner's granulomatosis and Reiter's syndrome have been renamed because apparently Doktors Wegner and Reiter were Nazis. (Eponyms are not all that helpful anyway except to torment medical students and radiologists, the latter deserving it because they torment the housestaff.)

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"Restore our fortunes, LORD, as streams renew the desert." (Psalm 126:4) (anyone think I'm making an allegory here?)

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to paraphrase Rob Riggle on The Daily Show after a DeNiro-esque montage (ala Cape Fear) : "I'd rather have my hate, it's always been there for me!"

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We always will. These crazies help those on the right with brains (they really do exist) by showing an example of what might happen if they abandon reason and civility.

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I didn't even think to call the ACLU. My bad. To my thinking, if a permit is required if sidewalks will be blocked, they should have been required to get one. Several streets ended up being shut down. If this were a protest involving DFHs, I would bet lack of a permit would have been an issue.

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As long as you have regional poverty, there will be people who attribute that poverty to the wrong reasons. Surprisingly, angry people tend not to be very good at rationally directing their anger at appropriate targets. In the cases you mention, they're targeting the only groups further down than they are, i.e. the only ones that they stand a chance against.

It probably doesn't help that you guys (i.e. the US - not from there, thankfully) have a bizarre political axis, in which you've managed somehow to remove all talk of 'class' from socialism, and in which you only ever seem to pay the faintest of lip-service to intersectionality. As a result, the people carrying out this kind of prejudice are somehow lumped in as 'privileged', despite having minimal tertiary education and few long-term prospects (again, taking intersectionality seriously might help - just because they're white and male doesn't make them any less class-oppressed).

Add to this, that the very groups who claim to champion the working class seem, in the US, to have a pathological disdain for those disadvantaged enough to lack tertiary education, and you end up with a bunch of people who certainly don't feel very privileged, and who find themselves caught between corporate assholes on the right and condescending jerks on the left - and if there's one thing that brings the corporate assholes and the condascending jerks together, it's outrage at the plebs (whether in the trailer-park or the ghetto) having the nerve to speak for themselves.

Yeah, that doesn't excuse their racism, just like structural oppression of blacks doesn't excuse individual criminality. But it explains it, and for the same reasons. Personally, I take the view that anti-social behaviour is typically a product of environment and structural oppression, but some of my fellow travellers on the left always seem to take up the 'individual choice/responsibility' mantra whenever we're talking about groups that they don't like.

If you genuinely want to improve things, rather than point and laugh at the out-group, then maybe think about why it is that your criticism of them is so full of class/education/poverty-laden references ('ugly-ass trailer trash'). Again, not excusing their views or behaviour. But when it gets down to it, they aren't the ones running the place, and aren't likely to be unless the US has a workers' revolution (and they'd still be a pretty small voice then, though they'd have more say than they do now). Recognise your own privilege, and stop assuming that every power structure you benefit from (class, education) is virtuous.

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Every time I have hopes for Arizona being decent, something like this happens.

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Foran rhymes with Moran .... or is my Snark-O-Meter® out of adjustment?

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What's your stance on "asshole?" Wide?

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Flag profile pic is usually a giveaway for Not Snark. And a quick read of his comment history says it's not.

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Hmmmm .... lots of posts on "RealClearPolitics" ... mostly racist rants. Snark-O-Meter® working properly.

Foran == Moran.

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shut up, wingnut....we'll call you Islamophobic assholes because that's what you are and if you don't like it, there are other sites you can take your butthurt to...

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you can do that?

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Kant remember, sorry.

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not only does no one get out of here alive, there is no other way out of here.

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