I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse.... or... I helped my uncle jack off a horse.

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Strong disagree. If he knows that he really is hated, he will declare martial law and set up re-education camps.

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Do you analyze professionally? Thanks for sharing it here.Who is DU?

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Like most narcissists, Donnie subconsciously knows exactly how much of a loser he is -- his entire existence is based on avoiding confronting that reality. Losing in November is unacceptable to him unless he is able prior to formulate some kind of "psychological out" for himself -- which unfortunately is most likely to be the fiction of which he's already so fond, widespread Dem voter fraud. Republicans will obviously support him on this, and whatever the consequences of his resulting tantrum, up to and including improper use of law enforcement and the armed forces in the context of voting. I think the only bright spot is in Trump's - and by extension, the Trump campaign's - clear history of incompetence. Maybe he won't be able to steal the election simply because neither he nor his crew is smart enough to pull it off -- I'm not scared of them, I'm scared of those Republicans who actually can get things done.

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Trump is perfectly smart about anything that affects his ego. It's not a dumb/smart dichotomy. It's the nature of his illness to disregard any existing fact that does not gird his ego structure, which is wildly out of proportion with reality. Trump is not dumb. He's very, very ill and all his life he's been very good at forcing others to yield to his opinion about himself. And who else could he blame if he loses? Oh, just you wait. He'll blame Jesus and say "I like people who didn't get crucified" if it helps him.

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As one commentator pointed out, if you pouring money into OHIO, not only are you stupid, but you are fucked nationally.

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Du is the familar form for "you" in the original German.

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Democratic Underground?

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Sorry, but that trump is above 30%, given that he’s crazy, is catastrophic.

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I want all of that and for Trump to step on a nail. For starters.😊

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Got it and its a great explanation. Sorry for the late thanks but I checked out for a few days.

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Drumpf had a "university."

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He "won" by about 80,000 votes in a handful of precincts that flipped a few states; all gerrymandered to hell, like Michigan and Wisconsin.

Yet the media bought into his bullshit about the "great Victory", even the nominal "liberal" media obsessed over the "Obama to Trump" voters and how turrible turrible a candidate Hillary was.

She was not. She won the popular vote by a large margin. That is not the result of a 'terrible candidate'. To proclaim that she was because a literal handful of voters in a handful of states voted for someone else is to tell all the people who DID vote for her that THEY DO NOT COUNT

The obsession with "swing states", this presumption that because I don't live in fucking Ohio, Pennsylvania or Florida, my opionion and vote doesn't count is pernicious and destructive to democracy.

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In WI, she received 46%, while Obama, in 2012, received 53% - so, a seven-point decrease.In MI, she received 47%, while Obama, in 2012, received 54% - so, a seven-point decrease.

That's discounting that in the interim, in both states, an enormous voter supression system had been put into place to reduce the ability of likely Democratic voters to vote at all

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watch him deploy the military of election day to fight "voter fraud".

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For all his bluster and braying he is a coward. Con men always hit the right ad before the chumps wise up

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