The day before the election, Trump's campaign brought in $19,000. Harris's brought in $560,000.

Harris's rallies are astronomical in size, while Trump's have dwindled to nothing.

Harris has stopped even talking about Trump, while all he talks about is her.

This is your wakeup call, Mr. Trump.

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One would think that a traveling entertainer would invest in his own microphone, if his performance is so reliant on one, his other "act" didn't need audio. Vote💙 Union Strong!

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Donald tRump shows Lauren Bobert how it's done.

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Ta, Marcie. Yes, we crones VOTE, and so do the men who love us. Harris-Walz 2024, expand our majority in the Senate, and take the House by more than a few (looking at you, NY and CA). When we VOTE, we WIN.

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So, it's not just that we're old enough to "remember before Roe v. Wade." We're old enough TO HAVE BEEN THE ONES FIGHTING FOR ROE V. WADE. And we've CONTINUED to fight ever since then. We voted for Carter and we voted for Bill and we voted for Hillary and for Obama and we've been out fighting for Kamala since the day she announced. Some of us even voted for Shirley Chisholm.

WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HERE. It's just no one bothered to interview "Hillary voters" because they were so busy up the asses of "Trump voters" in their fucking diners. And the sub-cohort of asshole women, who were always asshole women back in the day, attracts so much more interest. BUT WE HAVE ALWAYS FUCKING BEEN HERE! PLEASE!

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Etta James used to pantomime having sex with the microphone and stand, it was fun when she did it. Also, that rant? Did anyone else expect him to conclude with "WELL, EXCUUUUUSE ME?" So, basically, he ripped off two far superior entertainers, and badly. Sad.

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Apples and oranges, dude

James was simulating (oral?) sex with the mike

Trump was demonstrating his earlier frustrations checking a dead mike by a mimed re-enactment -- no sex involved


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When I was a young, weird only child, with few friends my own age (important to note that my parents' friends were my friends, and my parents were my friends, and it was a wonderful childhood but just very influenced by growing up in the theater community and being able to stay home to watch old movies and stuff), I assumed that everyone, all adults anyway, aspired to a life of breezy witty charm. But it turns out that there's a group of people who just love the fact that there's a total freak of slime just spewing out evil nonsense and evil.

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He has such major Jabba the Hutt energy.

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Physiognomy too!

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Remember when Howard Dean said “argh”? Pepperidge Farms remembers.

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I remember reading how Chump would secretly tape his associates (he doesn't have any friends) and get them to badmouth their wives. Then, he'd play the tape for the wife in the hopes she'd get so pissed off he'd get some revenge sex out of it.

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"Nauseously optimistic" is my new favorite thing! Well done, Marcie.

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"Then he pretended to give the thing a blowjob like the rent was due."

Oh. Come. On.

This limp-dicked slur doesn't even rise to the level of ankle-biting -- just a big swing and miss

Lemme ask you -- what is the very first thing a normal person does when confronted with a possibly dead microphone, even before the requisite 'Check, check, check, 1-2-3, check, check, check'?

Yeah, that's right -- They. Blow. Into. The mike.

They don't BLOW the mike, they blow ON the mike to see if it is indeed dead

Trump was miming this process

"Is this dementia?"

I guess it depends on how much you're psychologically projecting


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LOL. I have to assume you've never had a blowjob. Did you know there's free porn on the internet where you can observe a professional performing the act?

When one blows ON a mic, they purse their lips and forcefully push a burst of air or three on the intended target. TFG repeatedly bobbed his head up and down about three inches, presumably mimicking what he's observed when he's cheating on one of his wives with some desperate woman who's working on his tiny mushroom.

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Don't assume -- if you wanna know something, simply ask

I did know that

Number one, Trump did not have a dead mike to blow on -- he used the empty mike stand instead

So it's small wonder that his demonstration of blowing on a dead mike was not as authentic as you would have liked

Number two, Trump leaned down to blow on the mike TWICE -- he did NOT "repeatedly bob[] his head up and down"

"three inches"? That would be solely a result of the relative heights of Trump's mouth and the empty mike stand -- unless it's hanging from their face, EVERYONE bends down to blow into a mike

Finally, Trump was trying to demonstrate what he had to put up with when he first arrived -- an apparently dead mike which he proceeded to test by (1) turning it on, (2) speaking into it to no avail, (3) moving it up and down, (4) blowing on it and (5) asking the crowd if they could hear him -- 5 separate and distinct sequential actions common to most mike checks

If the fourth action listed WAS meant to be a simulated blowjob, what did the other four actions represent?

Foreplay? Basking in the afterglow? Exchanging phone numbers?

It was just a silent miming of a universally routine mike check


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I don't know if I've ever seen a "mic check" like that. Just sayin'.

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Thanks -- I applaud the bravery behind that candid confession (lol -- jk)


Perhaps my 'analysis' is valid only in the context of speakers and orators, podiums and rostra, but not valid for singers and entertainers in general, who generally never put the mike down as they roam about the stage

Trump uses a mike stand whenever he needs to play his magic accordion or do his double jerk pantomime dance

(Additionally, my personal observations of mike checks is 35 years old and more, using the technology extant at the time)

Thanks again


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I don't watch any vid with Chump with the sound on, and I always assume the worst from him, so I figured he was just riffing on a Kamala blew her way to the top weave.

Boy is my face red at how wrong I was.

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Maybe not -- maybe I am wrong

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Do l detect a note of sarcasm in the air?

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He was holding the mic and air-blowing the stand. Nothing about him makes any sense.

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Nice try, but no

He was holding the LIVE, replacement mike AWAY from him so he could demonstrate what he had to put up with when he first arrived -- an apparently dead mike which he proceeded to check by turning it on, speaking into it to no avail, moving it up and down, blowing on it and asking the crowd if they could hear him -- 5 separate and distinct actions common to most mike checks

If the fourth action listed WAS meant to be a mimed blowjob, what did the other four actions represent?

Foreplay? Basking in the afterglow? Exchanging phone numbers?

It was just a silent miming of a universally routine mike check

(The mike stand was just a stand-in for the earlier dead mike -- you cannot use a live mike to demonstrate your frustration with a dead mike)


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I know you're not a stan for the mango, but I'm surprised you're apparently buying into his plausible deniability act. Yes, you could make the case that his actions were simply demonstrating the problem he had with the mic stand and the mic itself.

But do you honestly believe he didn't know exactly how what he was doing would look? Do you believe he wasn't already fantasizing about how he could use the reportage of his actions as more fodder for how the msm takes his innocent words and actions to call him senile and weak, the way he did in that very diatribe above? He deliberately made it look obscene because he knew he could use it.

I also think it's just one more transgressive item he's added to a growing list lately as a "yeah, I said/did it, whaddaya gonna do about it?" fuck you to his detractors, testing his "I could shoot someone on 5th Ave. and it wouldn't cost me a vote" brag, without actually risking murder charges. He does this shit as an ego trip and for the thrill of getting away with it. We'll know if he's right or not in a day or two.

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I did in fact make that case -- rather persuasively imo

Trump's 'plausible deniability act'? I was not aware that Trump had addressed the issue afterwards

I don't know whether he was aware of how it would look or it how might impact on his campaign, but I doubt it -- we should all know by now his lack of self-awareness, discipline and intelligence; mainly l think Trump was just super pissed at the mike, rather than strategizing on his feet, and simply lost it (as is his wont)

(Related note: MAGAs and most young Republicans relish the chance to 'get away with' offensive words and actions -- like when they stumble across the words 'niggardly' or 'nigiri' and try to drop them into their every subsequent conversation)

"He deliberately made it look obscene because he knew he could use it." You may be right

You did not address the following:

"Finally, Trump was trying to demonstrate what he had to put up with when he first arrived -- an apparently dead mike which he proceeded to test by (1) turning it on, (2) speaking into it to no avail, (3) moving it up and down, (4) blowing on it and (5) asking the crowd if they could hear him -- 5 separate and distinct sequential actions common to most mike checks

"If the fourth action listed WAS meant to be a simulated blowjob, what did the other four actions represent?

"Foreplay? Basking in the afterglow? Exchanging phone numbers?"

It was just a silent miming of a universally routine mike check

I can see no generous interpretation of Trump's behavior at all -- even if my analysis is spot on (Spoiler Alert: it may not be lol), it does not excuse his hair-trigger temper, his seething, spiteful anger, or his harsh words

I simply maintain it had no intentional sexual angle

I am not excusing Trump in the least -- I just want the charges against him to reflect what he actually did wrong


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Microphones have switches on them.

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Yes, and . . . ?

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You are so full of shit I can smell it through the internet.

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Olfactory hallucinations, also known as phantosmia, can be caused by a number of conditions, including:

Neurological disorders: Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, and migraines

Psychological disorders: Schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, and substance abuse

Anxiety: Many people with anxiety report smelling odd smells

Medications: Antidiabetic, antihyperlipidemic, and proton pump inhibitor medications can cause phantom odors

I suggest you seek professional help


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I wish blocking worked on substack

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Wanna escape a tiresome convo?




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so, and because three time's the charm, I love Maya Rudolph! My husband used to live down the street from Minnie Riperton when they were kids.

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"Ann Selzer is a pollster out of Iowa, and 538 calls her the “polling Cassandra of Des Moines.” Her secret sauce is not using past election activity of registered voters to try to project “likely voters,” but instead weighting her polls with population parameters, like, let’s ask the angry white men AND the angry old white ladies, in a demographically representative sort of sample! She’s extremely, extremely good at figuring who this year’s electorate is going to be, as opposed to modeling based on past years."

This is exactly what I was getting at the other day. Weird how better methodology yields better, more reliable results.

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"Then he pretended to give the thing a blowjob like the rent was due."

Tiny-handed vulgarian.

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Nope, sorry

Trump was miming blowing INTO the mike to check if it was working or not


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That's a very good point. He wouldn't be the first person to misunderstand the "blow" in blowjob.

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But number one it's unadulterated BS to suggest Trump doesn't know that a BJ does NOT normally involve blowing air at a man's cock and number two the 'simulated BJ' was just the fourth of five separate, distinct and sequential actions

Trump was trying to demonstrate what he had to put up with when he first arrived -- an apparently dead mike which he proceeded to test by (1) turning it on, (2) speaking into it to no avail, (3) moving it up and down, (4) blowing on it and (5) asking the crowd if they could hear him -- 5 separate and distinct actions common to most mike checks

If the fourth action listed WAS meant to be a mimed blowjob, what did the other four actions represent?

Foreplay? Basking in the afterglow? Exchanging phone numbers?

It was just a silent miming of a universally routine mike check


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You don't bob your neck up and down to check a microphone, LOL

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Hi! I love your writing and everyone else's here on Wonkette and elsewhere

Bu-u-ut . . .

First, Trump did not 'bob' his head -- TWICE he bent down or leaned over to blow in the mike

Next, unless it's hanging from their face, EVERYONE leans over to blow into a mike -- microphones are almost always lower than the speaker's mouth, I suppose so we can't hear them breathing *

Last, if the fourth action listed WAS meant to be a simulated blowjob, what did the other four actions represent? In your mind, did the sequence of actions go like something like this?

1 Flicking the tip of his cock, or flipping on the mike?

2 Addressing the dick, or speaking to test the mike?

3 Running his hand up and down the penis shaft, or bending the mike up and down to check for loose wires or connections

4 Simulating a BJ, or blowing on the mike to check it

5 Killing the refractory period, or checking with the audience

* After all that, Trump slaps the empty mike stand down, complaining that something is 'too low' -- I initially thought he was referring to the mike's volume, but he could have been referring to the mike stand

After-Last, thanks for the convo

PS: 1:40-2:02


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I can’t get inside his head. But the most generous interpretation is that he didn’t realize what it would look like. Which is not a good look for somebody trying to be Commander-in-Chief either!

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Yeah but broheim there seems to have an axe to grind 🙄

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Yeah, and a bunch of us 65+ crones have kept our radical roots - remember that "I can't believe I still have to do this" signs at reproduction rights rallies? We aren't gone and we don't forget.

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