Why the fuck doesn't someone fine him or throw him in jail for clearly breaking the law? Fucking EVERYBODY hates Ted Cruz

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Maybe so - but what it is about is money and power. Which give you status, which gets you more and higher-quality breeding opportunities, evolutionarily speaking. Republicans by and large simply avoid all that "higher-order thinking" stuff that our big human brain allows us to do. They tend to simply operate on the ancient animal instinct reflexes that insects and primitive aquatic creatures use. It's easier than thinking.

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True, but they have to pay that private company to go through all the mail, so at least maybe we can make them waste more money :-)

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Yes. I just got a new call from one of the computer-generated voices. Less threatening this time, merely told me that my "subcription" would soon be renewed and my bank account would be charged $599. I could call a certain number to cancel my "subcription." In a new twist, they then alerted me that my call would be monitored and recorded for quality assurance purposes.

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REALLY REALLY love the notation next to the postmark: "Presorted STD," which obviously means it's a standard mailing but what a delicious double entendre for this chancre.

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Aww, great pic of CP! If I ever end up in Western NY, I would look you up, for sure!

And Indy isn't the most exciting city but...there's a few decent museums, a nice zoo, and quite a few good restaurants (we manage to keep the international Indy 500 teams and their fans amused, after all). And of course, you could always just stop in on your way to more interesting places... :)

Hugs, a Hamper Cat, and a hope that you can scratch that travel itch someday soonish. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Go Badgers.

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You call call Cruz a ratfucker , this is Wonkette.

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I didn't think that. I have been having problems with disqus as well and as are many others. If we get to travel we would definitely like to meet. We do have the constraint that the Box Inspector has diabetes and needs insulin twice a day. If we put him in a shelter for a short stay he gets stressed out and that sends his glucose levels skyrocketing, so we just travel on day trips for now.

However we will definitely keep a stop in Hoosierland in mind. I would definitely like to meet Hamper Cat, his ketteh companion(s), and his wonderful humans. If the situation changes I'll definitely keep Hoosierland in mind. The travel itch is strong.

Hugs and a Couch Panther dreaming of flying.



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What a sweet offer! :) Thank you!

I don't know what's going on with disqus, but I hope you haven't been thinking I just ignored it...

Alas, I live in central Indiana, and with my kiddos as young as they are, we don't do a whole lot of traveling at the moment.

But if YOUR travels take you through Hoosierland, I'd love to meet up, HV. Hugs and a Hamper Cat: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I don't know HOW I missed this earlier, but what a great pic! It's an important job, box inspecting...

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You may have already won ONE MILLION DOLLARS!!!


Well, not from this letter. But if you do, will you donate some - or all - of it to Ted "Booger Lips" Cruz for Senate? After all, he's taking your Social Security and Medicare away so that potential millionaires like you can have a sweet tax break!

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Don't forget Alex Jones and everybody else selling worthless "supplements".

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as in Wisconsin badger who invites folks to try and give me shit, if they feel lucky.

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This is actually a metaphor for Cheeto-mussolini. That's why he gets away with this shit. I particularly like the part when getting bitten by a cobra just results in a few minutes nap and then eats the cobra. Kinda like the Access Hollywood tape.

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Can verify. Even though I'm a rare American dingo, I'm not fucked in the head.

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