No, it is “your fault” that you “can’t take a joke.”

Basically, it will be the same response that they give people who don’t like their sexist and racist jokes.

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If it were really just for the lulz, they would apologize.

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Milo is a troll. Would't it be nice if he went back under his bridge and we could forget about his existence.

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Agreed. Back when the internet was ruled by nerds rather than being the ubiquitous knowledge and communication hub it is now, it was rather more innocent to incite flame wars and say patently absurd things for the lulz. No one is in on the joke now, and the generation of channers and the like that came up looking at people's shit-posts about women making sammiches and how much black people love watermelon wound up learning "It's funny because it's true!" instead of "it's funny because we think offensiveness is the same as humor." The original trolls created true, actual monsters. Nice job, dummies.

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Additionally, I don't really think of Nirvana as punk. More like grunge.Also, I would put Dead Kennedys in that running.

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The beauty of Bad Dudes is they use their badness for good.

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Yeah, about that. His name was Hanrahan but took his Greek grandmother's name presumably to be more exotic. His is a mostly Irish catholic family.

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The President is telling lies from day one... but we're all to blame.


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Equally terrifying are the skinheads who somehow completely miss the point of American History X and think they're the heroes of the film.

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They will call for violence on journalists, not directly, but they will do so and indeed have.

But when violence DOES happen, they will deny ever doing so.

Classic move to avoid responsibility.

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M.Y. will die soon (in cosmic time). Just stating a fact.

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"a ridiculous glamour shot of himself"

She'll never be glamour.

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Letting himself be publicly whipped as penance by the canons of Canterbury would be a nice start. In other news, historical references like this are why I love Wonkette.

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"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building," - Ann CoulterThis stuff has been around for a long time.

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Because it's easy to spell.

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If REM had an evil bent, their lyric would have been "stomp in the place that you live." But even an evil REM wouldn't have thought about "curb" stomping - which I thought the "curb" idiom was so random until Robin explained the whole Neo-Nazi curb stomping thing. So, despite what some of you might think music-wise, my take away is: REM - not evil. Dana Loesch - definitely evil. And sadly, since she's not an elected official, we can't even curb-stomp her with votes :<

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