Your comment forced me to read the Happy article, and to have a look at her website.

On the one hand, the article drew pretty heavily from the "Ministry" section of the website, rather than from media quotes. Since I don't watch tv, I have no personally-acquired data. Also, as far as the deferring-to-hubby thing, I'm inclined to think that she should be spared criticism as long as (1) it really is her choice, (2) she retains the irrevocable right to change her mind about it, and (3) she doesn't try to compel anyone else to follow her example. I mean, a pretty important feminist position is that women (and everybody else) have the right to make decisions about things that <i>affect them personally</i>. If she decides to defer "family leadership" to her hubs, it is not my place to tell her that was an unacceptable decision.

On the other hand, she has on her website a page of how to choose a proper church. The page is credited to somebody named Todd Friel, but since it has a prominent place on the website, one conjectures that she subscribes to the questions and desired answers. Which leads to the conclusion that she is (questions 15 and 16) an inerrant-Bibler, and a Young-Earther (well, strictly, a 6-day creationist, but it's pretty hard to reconcile the literal Genesis creation story with any geologic-scale timeline).

Just out of curiosity, do you know if this is the case? Personally, I have had difficulty maintaining relations with young-earthers.

Also, are we ever gonna have another City drinkie thing, do you think?

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I'm close. I did watch two episodes of DWTS, at my then-wife's insistence, because Jerry Rice.

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I'm going to have to remark that she is in good company -- I doubt that Jimmy Carter actually committed adultery, but he scored himself for thinking about it. I'd guess that she may have wished someone dead (without votes), and counts that.

That said, I'm also pretty sure that the Bronze age author of the Ten Commandments wasn't thinking about nuance or desire.

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Judging from the picture, Ariel from "The Little Mermaid" really let herself go.

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You know who else let a Russian tell them what to do?

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I was just wondering who she killed...

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Be forewarned, that DWTS video is what pron will turn into if these goofy fundies ever get the upper hand...

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about half of Ukraine?

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Girl, lay off the Long John Silvers battered fish or swim moar laps

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except the reason her type doesn't prosthelytize is the whole submissive thing. It's the mans jerb to spread the good word

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Thou shalt not kill is one of the most literal passages in the whole bible, and this one she's gonna go ahead and read figuratively, we guess? Goddamn. Just when you think you've figured teabangelicals out...

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in all fairness, coveting doesn't take a lot of effort

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Jesus Bail Bonds- it's in the yellow pages

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Saying something rude to your girlfriend is the same as killing them, probably. I don't know.

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And what other god she was worshipping, also too?

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It's already obscene . . . wtf is that guy <i>wearing?</i>

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