Mar 8·edited Mar 8

A little late to the party here, but I've been stabbing myself with an ice pick since this started and I still can't wake up.

Of course this is all ridiculous. Of course it has nothing to do with the actual trial. Of course it's no one's business. Of course she could be boning every prosecutor in the South and their husbands and wives and jars of spoiled mayonnaise without changing a trial-related fact. Of course none of this is a reflection on her talent or her competency as an AG.

But to delay this trial at best, which she's already done, and to compromise it at worst is borderline sociopathic. The optics she's created and the side of political Kobe beef she's thrown at the jackals is indefensible. "Oh, this would never happen if she was a white man." CORRECT. That's exactly why what she did and her haughty "I'm not on trial here" behavior in defense of it is that much more unforgivable. What she's done is beyond not ok. STOP. DEFENDING. HER. and 1. understand that common sense doesn't care who you voted for, and 2. beg the universe that her actions haven't damaged too badly the most important prosecution by far in our history.

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry to be so awful about this, I really am, but "You had one job" isn't a fucking meme.

On a positive note, I just came up with the idea of romancing a jar of spoiled mayonnaise, so that's a win for me.

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So basically this is not going to impact the election. If Trump wins the election, we'll eventually have another constitutional crisis that won't get resolved. If Trump loses, frankly I won't give a shit. So we might as well stop talking about this case. We won't, but we should. It's a sideshow that'll only give Trump more free publicity.

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Why are all these trial delaying procedural whatists in our judicial system? Only super wealthy people can ever make use of them? Wait did I just answer my own question.

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I'm old enough to remember the lengths white people would go to in order to keep Black people from having sex with white people, especially those virginal white lady-flowers kept in hot houses. Now, clearly, white people don't want Black people having sex with EACH OTHER.

I think I see where this is going. "Adultery is a crime"? Yeah, sure, but not when "your favorite president" does it. Or--needless to say--you.

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The 61 environmental protesters actually did nothing wrong. It's a travesty they're being railroaded over Cop City.

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So is the underlying issue that when Black folks have sex, they develop an uncontrollable urge to charge Whitey with crimes? If not, why the fuck is any of this an issue?

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Yeah, I still don't understand why there is even a hearing over this.

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"Middle-Aged Divorcee Sex Now Interesting."

Wait until you're 70. It gets even more 'interesting.'

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If Willis was a White male DA with any woman over 18, nobdy'd give a flying fuck. I just hope judge Whatsisface here'll take the view this is a horseshit nothingburger n'tell the Trumpsters to fucking fuck the fuck off. Willis n' Wade are workin' to hard to defend (small d) democracy to even bother with this other'n to give 'em even more license to try the Trumpsters' asses.

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Yet another reason to hate the way the American justice system works against Blacks and women. After all the criming Willis has worked to stop, she gets her love life dragged into court by a pair of lawyers with no evidence and no credible witnesses. That there’s any chance this will halt Willis’ prosecution of the Georgia election fraudsters is a stain on the court, the judge, and the legal rules that allow this to proceed in the absence of evidence of wrongdoing.

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WTF. Does her relationship have some bearing on the charges against Trump and his cronies for meddling in the election? What is the relevance? If she broke some ethics rules about getting frisky with a colleague, then have another prosecutor or assistant DA take over the case to restore the focus where it belongs - on a former potus who pulled every corrupt lever to remain in office. It’s maddening that our lusty desire to have sex so often turns into a scandal like this crap. Like Katie Hill, a rising Democrat who hooked up with a campaign staffer before she was even in Congress, resigned and was horribly attacked in the media and by her ex-husband’s revenge porn campaign. I’m sure there are valid ethics concerns about such relationships, and I haven’t done a deep dive into the laws or how she broke them, but it sure felt like a personal matter and not something that should destroy a career. Even so, come on, people. There are plenty of people you DON’T work with or have professional relationships with. Go find one of those people for consensual activities.

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The lust clouded her mind and all of a sudden, she was screaming “charge ‘em! Charge them all!” And next thing you know, some poor innocent white folks who never did anything wrong beyond the usual bribery and insurrection and, from the looks of things, the occasional cocaine weekend, are facing consequences for their actions, like they aren’t even white. It’s so unfair!

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all this time we are spending talking about Willis and Wade's relationship is less time we are talking about the strength of the case they have built against Trump and his co-conspirators. and that is exactly the point. the whole thing is a big, time-wasting distraction meant to delay the trial.

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Exactly and it drives me crazy that Trump can use the court system to do drag out his trial and smear the opposing attorney like this. Especially when the system railroads so many petty criminals (and innocent people).

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Okay. Took Izzy and Joey outside for zoomies. Ran a couple of miles on the treadmill a little later, so I'm taking tomorrow off as a reward. After that, made a pretty good haul at the local casino, the impromptu trip being an additional reward. Got Mrs. Hero some 12-hour Mucinex tablets--turns out we had to dig up the pill-cutter because gottDAM, they're frikkin' horse pills! If it gets rid of her cough, though, more power to 'em.

Came home, split my winnings with Mrs. Hero (as I always do). Cleaned the spots on the carpet where Izzy ralphed (Woolite carpet and upholstery cleaner, with application brush--it's like the carpet was never stained), and washing the stuff that can be washed. Finally read some news, and laughed incredulously at those...I think they're shoes, that Former President Moron thinks will help square his fines. *snerk* Either he's an idiot, his base is beyond-help gullible, or both.

And I heard from the sibs about my mom. She's still weak, and still has dementia, but is a little stronger than she was last summer when I visited her. I'm happy that she's got a little more endurance, and that she's still with us, still full of piss and vinegar, but the dementia isn't going away, and that makes me a bit sad.

So, not a bad day, overall.

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I've never seen the Prosecutor's f-up such an important case in my life. This was completely signed, sealed and fucked up! She's facing some serious repercussions from The Bar.

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The goal is to get the case reassigned to a prosecutor in Empty G’s part of Georgia who will then just sit on it. The accusations levied against Willis were just what was handy. Any lie would have done but the more salacious the better.

The only question is will the elected Republican judge prove to be a hack, or not? So far, many Republicans in Georgia are proving to be MAGA resistant.

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Malheur dildo militia has entered the chat.

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LaVoy Finicum has not entered the chat

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It’s a goddamn sideshow.

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True. But it didn't need to be.

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The movie is over if you'd like to join us there for OT.

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Milburn's sister is just delightful. And his nephew is a nicr young man.

Tonight was fun.

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The best part of loving other people is adopting their cool family! YAY YAY YAY for more good people to love!!!

I survived the Mr's Gma's 96th birthday party with smiles and charm, and snagged contact info for his uncle, who is just the sweetest guy in the whole world!

Of all the things I am grateful for, sharing lovely family members is pretty high on the list. The Mini's best friends are right up there too. Chosen family is best family ❤

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One of the greatest things was meeting Mr S' sister, her husband and their daughter.

They didn't know shit about what we did with the car. She's Estonian (as is Mr S), he's American, and the daughter is American of course.

So we went to Thunderhill and they got to play with us.

I've never seen happier people. It was a day out they won't forget.

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How did Milty have such great relatives?

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Probably because his mom is fantastic. I met her a few weeks ago, and after chatting for a bit, she was worried that she sounded too liberal. I was able to assure her that was not the case. And it sounds like his father was also a very good person.

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My sister is adopted. That mostly explains it.

Nephew flies Learjet 45 air ambulance in SW Alaska.

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Adopted or whatever, you've been outed as someone who has good things flowing through your history and present, whether you like it or not. *Smiley face*

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