"a landscaper’s parking lot across from a porno shop"

It was next door to the porno shop, across from the crematorium.

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'Trump Is Crazy'? Known for decades: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrP_lG19V9s

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"America's Mayor" my ass... Love you 5DollarFeminist!

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Is Trump's expression on his mugshot supposed to be a smouldering "come hither"? Because it's not working for me.

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The trumpcade from the plane to the court house, talk about overkill. Like he was going to jump out

of the trumpmobile and run away? It was like a chase scene out of 'Blues Brothers 2000'. What

a waste of taxpayer dollars on this guy. Saw a motorcade in Portland, OR for Pres. Carter where

they shut down the freeway - but for trump, he isn't worth it.

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has the height and weight been released?

which of his other goofy sycophant co-defendants do you think will be first to claim their height and weight was ALSO incorrect by several inches and dozens of pounds?

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He self reported his weight as "215".


...And I am Marie of Romania.

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DP for the win!

(I will now reveal that I have that poem printed on my license plate frames, much to many pedestrian's bemusement)

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Apparently it was self-reported, and also he appears to have grown an inch and lost 25 pounds since his Manhattan booking.

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Fani you got my number

The one for all my crimes

Fani don't change my number

Po double-1 35 809...

Po double-1 35 809...

Take it away, Randy Rainbow!

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Mug shot, it's a mug shot baby.

I got a defendant who's as big as a whale, and he's about to set sail.

I got a defendant who goes about 320, so come along and bring your bail out money...

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Thought it was gonna be "Ricki" by the Dan, turned out to be Tommy Tu-Tone!! I'm way too old!!

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Prevailing dogma on the right appears to be that President Biden is just the dementia-ridden sock puppet for Barack Obama, who is still masterminding and running everything - everything evil, that is. With Hillary Clinton generously helping. The howls and yelps of "Uranium One!" and "The Eeeeeeee-mails!" will never quite die away. And if you, like me, feel an occasional sick desire to check, which we probably ought to fight, but what the hell, you will regularly find calls in the GP comments section to have them both barbarically executed, whether right away or after a show trial. At Gitmo.

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I'm a very bad soc-lib operative, on accounta I've completely lost track of Uranium One! Wotthehell even was that??

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P01135809. Formerly known as ex-President Donald Trump. Has a nice ring to it.

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P01135809. Formerly known as ex-President Donald Trump. Has a nice ring to it.

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Strawberry-blonde PAB weighs 215 lbs now? LOLOLOL!!!

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Muh-pleeze, his big ass would weigh more than 215 if he starved to death.

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no way, unless he's dying

fuck, I'm 6-1 and was up to 215, and I still looked kinda skinny, over all.

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It was "self-reported" - they don't put him on a scale.

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The betting is 287.5 pounds. I'm 6'2" and weight about that. Look about the same except I refuse to do a combover. I'm bald, sad about it but won;t cover up.

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A perfect song from Mr. Rainbow! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=596N4aPnjrs

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Is this our Arrestmass thread? 'cuz this shit is going down.

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No, erryone is over on the Open Thread

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What a dick. He's going to pony up 10% of the bond amount to buy an actual bailbond. The dude is the biggest leverage freak to ever walk the face of the earth.

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He's in all this trouble because he stole from the mob. The Russian mob. Where did all that Save America Super PAC money go? To pay the mob so that he could keep his digits and toes. For now.

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