Alas, the shitbirds keep getting elected to keep acting like assholes for FREeedumz! Or whatever.

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They can try to force it to make a videotaped "confession" but watch its eyes -- they're blinking in code.

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You'd think that it would have started wearing a beret and calling itself "Tania" by now.

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Good idea! I'm soooo forwarding this to Karl "Get it Done" Rove, marked as "urgent"...

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Here's the thing though: judged by ivy leaguers.

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Sounds like a strain of good weed to me.

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Am I the only one surprised that after five years as a hostage, the economy hasn't developed Stockholm Syndrome?

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Yep – if the government shuts down, you can still sign up for your socialist medicine-health-care programme on October 1 …

only in GOP land could this be real. asshats

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As do we all, Dildeaux, as do we all...

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Mint the Plutonium Coin!!!!

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Wow, that's the kind of abuse of majority power the Republicans have been whining about for over six years on those few occasions they've felt a need to justify their being total dicks all the time. I've always wondered what it would look like. It looks <em>awesome</em>.

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