Ladies and Gentlemen, Mrs. Alex Jones!

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<i>Also, we’ve just asked the Editrix if she will change everyone’s Wonkette writer bio to end with “has a [reader's choice] that can penetrate your very soul.”</i>

If she agrees, for God's sake don't ever give actor a job.

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Enter the gaggin'.

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If the facts don't confirm your conspiracy theories, the REAL facts are obviously being "hidden".

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Absence of evidence means someone, somewhere, is hiding the REAL evidence.

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And that there's really not enough womenz beating each other up, also too.

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If you're penetrating with a gonad, you're doing it wrong.

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Patience, he hasn't burnt the Constitution and instituted Death Panels yet! One thing at a time!

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Yes, but how do the Romulans fit in?

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Behold Ms Roth's blog, or something:

<a href="http:\/\/laurieroth2012.com\/" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://laurieroth2012.com/">http://laurieroth2012.com/</a>

The post that began as follows elicited no comments, probably because Obama suppressed them:

<blockquote>Trade convention and other promotional events supply you with a chance to market your business and brand by showing your products. They are perfect company promotion locations where your items and brands can get recognition and value. Exhibition and exhibits are possible goldmines for possible clients that could cause higher sales leads.</blockquote>

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<i>“has a [reader's choice] that can penetrate your very soul.”</i>

I call dibs on "penis" before anybody else, and before I've had time to see if anyone else beat me to it.

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" '...glancing knowledge of English' What is Orly Taitz doing at the moment?

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<i>you didn't even mention that she ran as an independent candidate for president in 2012</i>

So how did that turn out?

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Fatal Distraction

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So how did <i>that</i> turn out?

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