Wait - what? Plato was Christian before Christ.

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Geography also plays another role, along with demographics, in there JWs go. As a devout Jehovah's Witless once told me, they like to got to the nice neighborhoods and scope out the houses in case the owners don't join the team. Hey...free luxury home!

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Not to mention a Papist like Ryan.

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..15th commandment?! Is that the one declares American Samoa the 51st state or the one that officially makes lesbian kisses awesome?

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Although, as I contemplate the likely future, would early death necessarily be such a bad thing? (Consummation devoutly to be wished, etc.)

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It was the white man's burden; they were just doing their duty.

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i don't know. i just can't get the exercised about it. it was a risky bit and it failed (and comedy and improv are entirely different animals - and i would argue MUCH more difficult ones - than other types of acting). and unlike colbert at the whcd in whatever year ('07?) it ain't gonna age well.

i think john stewart's take was best. thanks to whatever wonketteer noted it...

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OT, but worth it:

Pix of Rebecca and Newell at the DNC are starting to come in. (plus the Balloon Juice crew as an added bonus) <a href="http://www.balloon-juice.co..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.balloon-juice.com/2012/09/03/drinking-...">http://www.balloon-juice.co...

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Watching My Neighbour Totoro with my kids in the mid-90s was my 1st exposure to Miyazaki and Ghibli. We've since seen many more but Totoro holds a special place; the scene at the rainy bus stop waiting for the Catbus is one that will always stay with me.

In a world filled with heinous religious text books and lying Republicunts I just need to remember that scene and I can smile again - corny but true.

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Superman spends a surprising amount of time getting brainwashed, red-kryptonited, Bizarro-cloned, and having his mind otherwise screwed with. This may be the long-awaited Explanation for Evil -- The Devil is a bizarro-clone of Jesus.

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I think Tessiee summed it up nicely. To add to that, let me say this...nearly every organized religion is a racket designed to keep the masses in line to maximize the well being of the ruling class. Hindu...Islam...Christianity...I don't care. Keep the well comforted comfortable, as the White Jesus would say.

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Miyazaki libel!

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<a href="http:\/\/www.google.ca\/imgres\?hl=en&amp\;sa=X&amp\;biw=1600&amp\;bih=767&amp\;tbm=isch&amp\;prmd=imvns&amp\;tbnid=_JRQvALjGM-3BM:&amp\;imgrefurl=http:\/\/cinegeek.com\/%3Fp%3D1771&amp\;imgurl=http:\/\/cinegeek.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2010\/03\/Totoro-Pic.jpg&amp\;w=1024&amp\;h=768&amp\;ei=K91DUNfbBq2PyAHZ7IHwAQ&amp\;zoom=1&amp\;iact=hc&amp\;vpx=615&amp\;vpy=151&amp\;dur=1008&amp\;hovh=194&amp\;hovw=259&amp\;tx=77&amp\;ty=109&amp\;sig=113438026181492079172&amp\;page=1&amp\;tbnh=138&amp\;tbnw=190&amp\;start=0&amp\;ndsp=35&amp\;ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0,i:82" target="_blank">Totoro</a> libel!

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Man, I wish I had this book before getting that history degree (my B.S. in b.s. if you will). What a waste of government school scholarship money!

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"Oh blinding light...oh light that blinds. I cannot see...look out for me!"

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It always makes me go into a fit when those Ancient Astronaut kooks and suchlike start saying, "There must have been contact between the Maya, ancient Egypt, Sumer, etc. Look at the pyramids!" Yeah, YOU try constructing a massive building with stone tools without concrete, carbon steel, and rebar. IT'S FUCKING PHYSICS, FOOLS!

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