During the late 1990's, I allowed a motorcycle club called "Dykes on Bikes" to camp in my backyard. They were great fun and I fed them for the weekend. For that I was made an honorary member in a raucous ceremony... Does that make me a male lesbian? After all these years. it still makes me proud.
Never forget the evangelical christians are inspired by literal child abuse. "To Train Up a Child" was a huge hit (literally) with that audience, and the suggested method is breaking a child's spirit through violence.
Breaking children is their whole THING. LGBTQ or not.
fundamentalists tend to believe they own their kids, even once they're fully functioning adults.Puritans believed that they could have their kids executed for disrespect up to the age of 21.
Those moms are mad because they know that nobody really loves them, not even their own husbands.
One of each.
Kant deny that.
During the late 1990's, I allowed a motorcycle club called "Dykes on Bikes" to camp in my backyard. They were great fun and I fed them for the weekend. For that I was made an honorary member in a raucous ceremony... Does that make me a male lesbian? After all these years. it still makes me proud.
Never forget the evangelical christians are inspired by literal child abuse. "To Train Up a Child" was a huge hit (literally) with that audience, and the suggested method is breaking a child's spirit through violence.
Breaking children is their whole THING. LGBTQ or not.
I'm in!
One Million Mom. It's a nickname.
Madisynne and Brooklynne. Clever.
Thank you for this excellent essay, Evan. So very well written.
There's a reason man-on-top is called the Missionary position.
fundamentalists tend to believe they own their kids, even once they're fully functioning adults.Puritans believed that they could have their kids executed for disrespect up to the age of 21.
That statue at the beginning, is a perfect representation of what happens when a dude pisses on an electric fence, and had his "johnson" lit up.
The Bible says that.
Sounds more like "One Million Moans". What a whinger
"I'll get you a lesbianic ... mechanic!"
Madisynne and Brooklynne must be protected from synne!