I don't take it too seriously Lionel, but I do wish The Commenter Formerly Known As Neilist would just try to bring a little more originality to his posts. These faux liberal screeds marked by one sentence paragraphs and same old tired closing salutation just aren't interesting anymore.

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It probably wouldn't occur to Rick that by that logic it is also true that black people might take issue with legal obstacles to abortion, since such obstacles implie that women do not have rights over their bodies and can be used to carry unwanted pregnancies to term.

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But you're not following Santorum's reasoning to it's crazy end. According to Rick, all black people should oppose abortion, due to <i> their</i> history of once being defined as less than fully human, in some fucked up, contrived, legal-constitutional sense. Therefore Obama / "black people" shouldn't waver on a biological question like abortion. Santorum is totally being a racist here, whether he even knows it or not.

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In his private moments Santorum may be finding it almost remarkable why Dan Savage gets to attach people's names to unpleasant bodily secretions.

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Don't forget Michael Reagan - I heard him speaking with Off-the-Mark and apparently he (actually, either one of those fools) thinks Mr. Reagan is a serious candidate.

On the other hand, it could have something to do with Mr. Reagan having a new book out. There certainly does seem to a correlation between conservatives having a book published and starting a run at the Presidency. In his case, however, it will probably be more of a slow stroll.

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I have a feeling you're being generous.

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the 2012 republican field is going to be an embarrassment of riches.

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