That's just a fact, and it's why black people who don't use paint thinner as mouth wash are going to vote overwhelmingly for Biden in November.

Paint thinner mouth wash - Alex Jones's next product?

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Dear, Vern...https://uploads.disquscdn.c......Love; The American People

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There's types of nail polish remover you can use to make GHB... But paint thinner mouth wash?

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We don't hate him. Hell intill last week mostly no one had ever heard of him, and by next week we'll all have forgotten him. I mean who the hell remembers Zell Miller any more?

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Where are you encountering these comments? I certainly don't see much like that here ... or any other Democrat-leaning blog I visit.

Meanwhile, the entire nation is literally in a state of lock-down ... so it can't possibly be happening out and about in real life.

So where are they?

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Those are the guys who invented and facilitated the "just-in-time inventory" method that's currently biting us in the ass.

The obvious response there is "then why don't you engineer a supply-chain of fucking tests already?"

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I'm amazed by the fact that Biden supporters don't actually seem to have anything exciting or good to say about why people should support him as a candidate. Like, ever. The entire approach is, like, whining about the fact that your candidate has occasionally faced valid criticism. It just sort of amplifies the fact that he (and you) have kind of done a lame job answering it.

Seriously look at this thread. There are at least a half-dozen comments imagining "liberals" who will come to attack Biden ... and, like, zero comments from liberals attacking Biden.

Bernie supporters are always enthusiastic to babble about how awesome he is. Even when they're being a-holes, they're babbling about his policy. Same with those of us who fell behind Warren. In addition to wanting to move past a currently terrible president ... we actually believe that what our candidates brought to the table is what America needs right now and would be legitimately beneficial for America.

We have an actual first-instance argument for why people should support them beyond just "OOgga Boooga ... TRUMP!" I'm increasingly convinced this just isn't the case for Biden supporters. I get you guys really believe everyone who's ever questioned Biden is a treasonous bastard or whatever ... but take away Trump ... *is* there an actual reason to be enthusiastic for a Biden presidency in it's own right for anyone who doesn't own a bank tax-havened in Delaware?

If so ... maybe all of you should quit bitching at your left flank and start making the argument ... or Democrats are going to do a damn Hillary Clinton again. They aren't your enemy. Why are you punching them?

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Um, saving the country comes to mind. Not that that's important or anything, but ...

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It appears to me your only brain synapse is misfiring again.

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Eat a bag of rotten mouse cocks

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We're fine. How are you?

ED: "But take away Trump…" Yeah, do that and then we can talk about how helpful it is to pick fights on our side of the aisle. Until then the "kgb" designator is a little too on-message, isn't it?

Also appreciate the downvote. It totally balances the 13K ups.

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. . .wha? I dozed off a couple of sentences in.

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Just because you don't pay attention doesn't mean we're willing to do your homework. Instead of listening to all the hoopla, take a look at who actually does the heavy lifting and gets out there to actually VOTE. Guess who couldn't be bothered? All those "enthusiastic Bernie supporters. You are distracted by all the shiny and none of the substance.

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Sir, this is an Arby's.

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