Mata la luz.

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My old home town! Thanks!

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Buy futures and sell before delivery.Like pork bellies.

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Even if you were able to retire on a pension, without a 401K, investment returns are what keeps some of the biggest pension funds in the country, like CALPERS and CALSTRS afloat. My tiny Episcopal church, which does a lot of good in the community, is surviving on investment returns.Our bullshit economy is interconnected in ways that are going to hurt a lot of people.

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The thing with very rich and powerful people is they develop a sense of "I can get away with this" because THEY HAVE SO FAR.If not for huge stacks of cash and confidential settlements many of these assholes would be in prison, but at this point, they have more money to spend on lawyering than than Uncle Sam so they get to basically buy indulgences from the Justice Department and swear everyone to secrecy.

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For everyone's benefit, I'm going to remove the knife from this body, give it a wash, and place it in my kitchen knife block. Now that my knife is no longer in the body, can we all agree to move on?

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This game open to all members of congress!

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Half lab, half Ferengi?


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(The markets apparently danced with joy when Bernie Sanders dropped out of the race, sparing investors the Great Depression of universal health care.) the markets already knew bernie wasn't the nominee, maybe the markets saw that with bernie out we're all that much closer to trump losing the next election and this long national nightmare being over

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He was flying an executive jet, possibly even one modified to land on a carrier. If not, he flew to Guam and then had a helicopter pick him up and take him to TR.

I don't know how much those things cost, but they're not cheap. It's possible that this would be the price of the pilots' time + the depreciation on the plane (and copter?) with little to nothing in the way of extras. In other words, no booze & blow required to spend that much.

If you take the cost of the aircraft, the cost of maintenance over it's lifetime, and then divide that total cost of ownership by the number of hours it spends actually in the air flying places, you get a high price. And, of course, this goes up for "executive" jets not because they're more highly appointed or whatever (though they probably are) but because the big shots are important enough that their jets sit around most of the time, just waiting to be needed so the big shots don't need to be delayed by waiting on the convenience/availability of the aircraft.

But... if an aircraft in good condition is sitting around a lot to make sure it's available at the right moment, then it's going to spend fewer hours in the air over the course of its lifetime (unlike planes that fly all day, with 80 minute turn arounds at the airport, 4-6 days a week). Same cost of ownership divided by fewer hours of flight time means the total cost of each flight is effectively even higher.

Seriously, $240k for one round-trip from Washington to Guam doesn't sound inaccurate to me. Outrageous, sure. But not inaccurate, given how these planes operate.

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GA resident here. Kelly Loeffler isn't popular in this state. She's seen as having been appointed simply because she's female & very wealthy, & that's not playing well, especially not in a time of high unemployment & uncertainty. One reason she was appointed was to win back suburban white women, whom the GOP relies on to keep this state red. Polls show her losing to Dem challenger Raphael Warnock. Unctuous redneck toady & Trump ass-kisser extraordinaire Doug Collins will probably get the nomination (cringe).

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Murderer Performs CPR on Murder Victim After Being Caught Murdering Victim

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Some people think they are better than the rest so deserve more, even if that takes insider information to profit from the pandemic.

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And now I'm happy, here livin' above my stationI ain't jokin' when I say that it's a gasCome and fill your tank up downstairs at my stationThen y'all come with me upstairs and get your glass

You'll see I'm happy here livin' above my stationI got no complaint at all about my lifeCuz there's just one way to live above your stationAnd that's with your friends and Dr. Pepper and your wife.

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"My character is being used as a weapon for an assault on my character."

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