Actually, in both cases, they needed to take hostages.

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Uh, that was a floor debate yesterday. The amendments all had a 60 vote threshold for passage because that is now how our Senate works, or more accurately, doesn't.

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Why? <a href="http:\/\/www.rawstory.com\/rs\/2013\/04\/17\/anti-choicers-are-gaslighting-the-media-and-the-public\/" target="_blank">Gaslighting</a>.

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If the USPS sucks so hard at delivering packages, why do UPS and FedEx routinely hand packages over to the USPS for "last mile" delivery? (Hint: It's not profitable for them to make those deliveries, while the Post Office is required to deliver to every address every day.)

Amazon.com, one of the world's largest mail-order retailers, sends almost every small order (books, DVDs, etc.) via U.S. Mail unless you request otherwise. Are you telling me that that billion-dollar economic engine is insane for doing so?

You aren't doing well at this, are you? Maybe you need to get some seasoning down in the minors before coming back to the bigs.

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Just a nit, but the Constitution was written several years after the Revolutionary War.

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Thanks, all; I just checked Monday's recordings before I gave up and watched an episode of Gilmore Girls. I'll sit down and enjoy the boys after work today.

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First I recommend getting a list of the zip codes of state capitals. Very few Senators place much value on out of state feedback, several try not to accept it at all.

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You haven't encountered the "pack heat every waking second, including while showering and while reading your kids bedtime stories, and sleep with a loaded 9mm under the pillow" crowd. Lucky bastard.

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I hope you're not looking for a way to escape this stuff, because there's no exit.

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Bjork libel!

[If I didn't try to laugh I'd have to cry.]

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I can certainly understand why the Newtown families wanted to meet with our representatives prior to the vote.

I think it would have been good if one family has made it clear they wanted to meet with the Senators after the vote...

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Show me an American Libertarian and I'll show you someone whose emotional and intellectual development was arrested in early teenhood shortly after reading their first Ayn Rand screed. They never manage to reach the realization that the rights of individuals are often in conflict and there is a legitimate role for collective ("government") intervention to minimize the aggregate loss of rights when this happens. They also never, ever examine whether any of their premises, particularly their fetishisation of property rights, are in fact as self-evident as they've always believed since St. Ayn the sociopathic atheist told them to.

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Troll thinks instruments designed and optimized for the sole purpose of killing are "nice". Duly noted.

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I wanna get off with you

Wait, you weren't just singing Republica?

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You can rest assured between now and 2016(?) he'll have done a few things to have your warm heart apologizing to your cold lady parts for ever doubting them.

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The inherent dishonesty of a bagger complaint that liberals did not strongly enough oppose the Iraq war brings to mind today's <a href="http:\/\/www.rawstory.com\/rs\/2013\/04\/17\/anti-choicers-are-gaslighting-the-media-and-the-public\/" target="_blank">Pandagon</a>. Wonkers, we are witnessing an attempted gaslighting.

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