I'm sure she'll apologize, because that's what victims are supposed to do. Harry Whittington told me so.

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Merriam-Webster also says "literally" can mean "figuratively."

They list "flustrated," and within a year will probably list "refudiate," too.

I feel strongly that the Wonkette style-book should hold to a higher standard. Misspellings and improper punctuation have no place here.

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Pedantry? I'm just implying mind control and brainwash on the people by controlling grammar. Their is nothing wrong with that.

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is it just me or does anyone else think gabby is far far more attractive than sarah?

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Jack, bubele. The colloquialism for "Oh no!" is not "whoops." A whoop is a shout of approval or excitement, if it rhymes with "poop." With the alternate pronunciation that rhymes with "shtup," it is a Southernism for "defeat" or "batter."

The word you want is "Woops," or alternatively "Oops."

Journalists must pay attention to language as well as facts.

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or a bicycle made of puppy parts!!! if that doesn't stop the waterworks, nothing will.

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well done

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We can put a man on the moon. Why can't we stop a bullet from shooting through a brain?

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"Jew dies and comes back to life" is not really big news.

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...this brought to you by the same fukk ups from the 2001 elections!

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Hey, it's under 18 so we should be able to send it to its room until it gets its act together and changes its attitude.

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