I cannot imagine the amount of money it would take to make me ... erp ... gotta puke now.

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You are right. As someone who in 62 years has never missed a meal, I should shut up.

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Speaking of which, I'm re-reading Fforde's The Eyre Affair, in which an inventor gets credit for figuring out how to fax a pizza. No, they didn't explain. But it held me up for about 15 minutes of "how the hell" and "why can't we have that?"

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It does good for the soul of this old white person to see the young, non-white people taking leadership in Congress. I am so very proud of them and love them all so much.

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The truth is some people don't find having sex with strangers to be all that big a deal and if you throw in money, they'll even fuck someone they don't find attractive. Not all prostitutes are helpless victims.

But entirely too many do it because it's the only way to make enough money for their drug habit or some other awful thing. I do not think sex work is intrinsically a bad thing. But entirely too often, if you get into the details, it is a bad thing.

However, in the case of the young women involved with Matt Gaetz et al., I suspect that most of them have never missed a meal either. They just want the money. Which, assuming they are adults, is fine with me. Though I find sympathy with your ..erp... reaction.

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Three payments in the reviewed documents—in amounts of $500, $500, and $250—were designated for "Ice cream." Five other payments were for "Salad," one of which topped $1,000.

And Q got all worked up thinking "pizza" was code for pedophilia orders.

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using campaign donations to buy ads to try to clear his name... I can't see anything bad coming from that

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something something fools something something money

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Aha! Well, yes, the fundigelicals would be outraged as such a combination would create sentient beings more advanced that fundigelicals.

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Excellent FS reference

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Recall back in the early 2000's Eliott Spitzer was paying multiple thousands of dollars for his recreation hour. These Florida women were young, probably students and getting retained for multi hour sexventures. I'd say the gratuities were on the sleezy low ball side.

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congresscritters punish each other? It is to laugh

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Vintage 99 was an innumerate Herman Cain groupie who was only in her mid-80s.

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Matt was a real salad tosser. Just ask his "adopted" "son."

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With names like Lauren and Marjorie and Melanie.

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