Grant Stinchfield is a Pornstar name

No, you don’t want to know which sub-genre, trust me

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I was ranting frequently for a while, the stupid part is that Hunter Biden's misadventures were of far more substance as a scandal than "emailgate" ever was, but the "mainstream" never really cared. My guess is that the real difference is that even the sketchiest dealings were straightforward to explain based on facts that were never in dispute, whereas the email non story came down to complicated issues only a few specialists could have put in proper context. And, of course, woman in pantsuit...

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Once the guy went public with the whole drug problem thing the media was totally lost and had to look for new 'revalations' and 'shocking new secrets!'.

Bunch of hacks just write whatever is trending on Twitter.

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Maybe times have changed, but when I was a lad, if your momma named you "Grant," as soon as you were old enough to talk you adopted a nickname like "Chip" or "Knute." And "Stinchfield??" That poor kid-- Stinkfeel, Stankheel, Pinchloaf-- the mind reels.

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"Triggered the Left"What should be triggered is the FBI and Justice Department.

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Infuckingfuriating! Ta, Evan.

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As I recall, Trump calling out to Putin isn't just controversial right now among "Republicans," it's a bone of contention at Newsmsx itself. Didn't one of their hosts just loudly denounce this shit earlier this week?

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So I'm thinking it's safe to assume that the "ch" in Stinchfield is pronounced the same as that in "eunuch" or "oligarch," right?

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That’s one of the frustrating things about terrible people, when they can’t find anything about you that’s worth hating, they will simply make something up. Joe Biden isn’t controversial. He’s just a moderate Democrat who defeated Trump by simply being a normal, decent man with flaws he admits to, and sincere emotions. America desperately needed that after 4 years of petty Trump tweets. With so little to go on, wingnuts are reduced to picking on Biden’s son, and asking Russia to offer damning info on the Bidens. Trump is too stupid to recognize that if Russia had anything useful to publish about Biden, they sure as hell would have offered it every day of 2020.

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I’m old enough to remember when one of the frequent RWNJ whingings was all about how we had to “LEAVE THE CHILDRENS OF POLITICIANS ALONE!!!!”

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